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The Watcher Self (2016)

The Watcher Self (2016)

Karen FrenchJulian ShawSylvia SeymourLucy Charles
Matt Cruse


The Watcher Self (2016) is a English movie. Matt Cruse has directed this movie. Karen French,Julian Shaw,Sylvia Seymour,Lucy Charles are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. The Watcher Self (2016) is considered one of the best Horror,Mystery movie in India and around the world.

The Watcher Self is an unsettling psychosexual chiller written and directed by Matt Cruse about one woman's descent into hell. Cora (Karen French) begins her day facing the consequences of a nightmare. Struggling to maintain a normal routine, she engages in a series of emotionally detached encounters and experiences a confusing psychological connection with the strange and elusive Van (Julian Shaw). Then echoes from the past threaten to derail her tenuous state of mind, and Cora becomes increasingly dislocated from her surroundings. Is she going insane, or is it something else? The Watcher Self is about what remains when the layers of sanity are gradually stripped away... and what may or may not be real.

The Watcher Self (2016) Reviews

  • Caution: Your breaking point may come before the end of the movie


    There is always a breaking point for everything. In The Watcher Self, we the viewers watch as the lead gradually works her way (no pun intended) to her breaking point. Simultaneously however, we too may experience a breaking point of our own. Is it the excessively applied and ultimately anti-climatic sound effects and themes for you? Maybe it's the fact that other than the lead, no other character shares more than 10 full sentences for you? Perhaps it's the painful and frustratingly open-ended conclusion of the movie for you? It doesn't matter. Chances are this movie will find (or create) a breaking point for you and in so doing, it will have proven to be a true psychologically tumultuous journey. Some may be looking for this in a movie, but I personally did not enjoy multiple aspects of this movie as it was too open-ended for me. This is not to say the lead lacks talent as an actress or that she is not an image to behold, but that (...seemingly empty) script simply did not do her any favors. Direction with the lead was okay, but every other individual is either written to be facile and uninteresting or is terribly directed.

  • The cure for insomnia


    Slow, dull and predictable is no way to make a successful thriller. This is the cinematic equivalent of watching paint dry. 3/10 for some solid performances, otherwise this one is a total waste of time.

  • Better as a stage play?


    The lead is very good, however the desperate lack of narrative, direction, dialogue and anything resembling interest sinks this overly artsy attempt at tension.

  • Gripping thriller that keeps you hanging.


    Deliberately low in narrative, it does exactly what it sets out to do keeping you on your toes! The main character 'Cora' keeps you wondering about her mental state, what is happening in her world and she leaves you with more questions than answers. This film gripped me from the start and was forever challenging my thinking. Fantastic!

  • Dont waste your time!


    So clearly a producers early movie. Very poor from srart to finish.

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