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The Spirit of Christmas (2015)

The Spirit of Christmas (2015)

Thomas BeaudoinKati SalowskySteven A. MillerJen Lilley
David Jackson


The Spirit of Christmas (2015) is a English movie. David Jackson has directed this movie. Thomas Beaudoin,Kati Salowsky,Steven A. Miller,Jen Lilley are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. The Spirit of Christmas (2015) is considered one of the best Drama,Mystery,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Kate, a workaholic lawyer, has three weeks to get a haunted bed and breakfast appraised and sold. The uncooperative manager claims a spirit who lives there will not approve. With Kate's possible promotion resting on accomplishing this task, she checks in and haggles with the aforesaid Christmas spirit, who suspiciously seems awfully solid for a ghost.

The Spirit of Christmas (2015) Reviews

  • Fab Interesting Unique Story


    This is actually the 2nd review I am doing for Christmas movie because I felt them both to be unique & not the typical cookie cutter movie you tend to see this time of year. During the holiday season tons of Christmas movies come out. They are purposely made to be feel good movies They are great to have on while you are putting decorations up - making cookies or anything to assist with that magical time of year. Which is a great thing especially that time of year. However you can only watch X amount of very expected guidelines with predictable repetitive story endings. Sometimes regardless of it being the holidays you want some substance. This offers just that. It is a great storyline that you really have to follow. Don't get me wrong it is still a feel good movie but part of that feel good you get is from when you walk away thinking WOW - that really was a great well thought nurtured storyline with an interesting story told!!! That is just my opinion - I say well worth watching & deciding yourself!!!

  • Christmas mystery


    This is a unique take on TV Christmas movies. I enjoy watching most TV Christmas movies but so many are pretty predictable kind of like they are out of a box and just fill in the blanks and have an unnaturalness in the acting. But this movie is different and has a great plot and very good acting and very good sets. I challenge anyone to find a Christmas TV movie like this one. Fun to watch and very different from the Christmas TV movie standard formula. During the whole movie I was interested and not sure of how things were going to turn out, which is something I like in a movie. The lead female was very good and very believable and just a natural for the part. And the lead male was equally as good and well suited to the part. And the supporting cast fit very well. I never once lost interest or was able to jump to the ending in my mind.

  • Better than average and unique Christmas ghost story


    I actually really enjoyed this. It's well done as far as made-for-TV Christmas movies go, with a unique story and decent mystery attached. It also wasn't as corny or cliché as most holiday themed movies tend to be and I wasn't ever sure how the story was going to play out especially in regards to the happily-ever-after. The acting and sets were very good too, including real snow, as I've seen some Xmas movies which were obviously filmed mid summer. The story follows Kate, a lawyer who travels to Vermont to broker the sale of an inn and learns that the reason it won't sell is because it's haunted by a man who cannot move on until the mystery of his death (95 years ago) is solved. I have to admit one of the reasons I enjoyed this as much as I did was down to Thomas Beaudoin who plays the ghost. I've never seen him in anything before but he was excellent. Decent acting and super good looking. He really pulled off a man from the turn of the century. Daniel as our ghost only appears 12 days each year and then disappears back into his static between world again. He is grumpy and perpetually hungry for his 12 days at the inn, wanting just to be left alone. Despite Kate finds herself drawn to the ill-tempered spirit, determined to help him and they soon find themselves in an unlikely time crossed romance. 12/23/15

  • Not your predictable Christmas movie!


    When I began watching this movie I expected it to be the typical ghost story type movie where woman falls for man then man vanishes and never returns plot but no, not the case. I also will say the scenery/filming location was simply magnificent, so beautiful. The acting was far better than I'd expected and the ending was a total surprise. This movie reminded me of movies way back in the 1970's/'80's when movies taught/reminded us of our values, taught us forgiveness and much more. Well done, I simply loved every minute of it. I'd encourage anyone to watch this movie, you won't be disappointed no matter your age. I usually pass on these lifetime or network Christmas movies but am glad I chose this one to begin the Christmas season with.

  • Still teary eyed...


    I try to stay away from the Hallmark/Lifetime movies, but the synopsis had me intrigued. I was so surprised at how well (and non-cheesy) the acting was. I was a little worried at first! But it was such a sweet and heartfelt movie. If you're a cynic it's probably not for you, but if you want a moving and romantic Christmas movie then this is for you!

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