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The Hungover Games (2014)

The Hungover Games (2014)

Ross NathanSam PancakeBen BegleyHerbert Russell
Josh Stolberg


The Hungover Games (2014) is a English movie. Josh Stolberg has directed this movie. Ross Nathan,Sam Pancake,Ben Begley,Herbert Russell are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. The Hungover Games (2014) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

After celebrating Doug's upcoming wedding in a cut rate hotel in Laughlin, NV, hungover guys Bradley, Ed and Zach wake up in a futuristic dystopia, having lost their pal, Doug. With the help of Effing and Justmitch, the trio's loyal advisers, the gang must now prepare to battle their way through the pop culture districts of The Hungover Games including The Real Housewives of District 8 and Teddy from The Puppet District.

Same Director

The Hungover Games (2014) Reviews

  • The Hangover: Frat Bros Edition


    This movie is dumb. Just look at the name. Yeah, I know it's not supposed to be smart but it is supposed to be funny, and unfortunately this is not. I will say that it is better than abominations like The Starving Games, Vampires Suck, Scary Movie 5 and Disaster Movie, but that's like saying dog p*ss is better than cat sh*t. They're both awful and both leave a bad taste in your mouth. This movie gets an extra point for potential. It's refreshing to see a spoof movie that isn't by the two that shall not be named, and some ideas in the movie do work. There's a plot this time: We follow the three Hangover guys (who bare a striking resemblance to their respective actors) on their Hunger Games adventure. I also like how the spoofs are limited to a certain character or group participating in "The Hungover Games", such as The Real House Wives, Ted, Thor, and a group of every Johnny Depp character of the past few years. Some of them are funny - I really wanted more of the Johnny Depps - but some just don't work. A team for gratuitous sex? I know it's making fun of the fact that a lot of movies have gratuitous sex for the sake of it but that's exactly what it's doing here, so it's like a spoof that's spoofing itself... and it's not nearly as deep as it sounds. I smiled a few times in this movie. The main cast was fine (the supporting cast had some horrendous actors though), and I like how the movie actually has a story and an attempt at coherency. But the number one thing I look for in a comedy are laughs, and The Hungover Games did not provide any. If you're smashed and with your friends and want to see a really dumb movie for some cheap laughs for an hour and a half then yeah you might enjoy The Hungover Games, but for anyone else, I implore you, don't watch this movie.

  • Some Decent Comedy Sequence


    The Hungover Games (2014), people of the vast majority will be put away by blatant attempts at spoof films. However this film does not take itself serious, neither do the characters or the jokes. The film is predictable but that is besides the viewing enjoyment. The film does offer plenty of typical juvenile jokes but it also does contain some clever and witty humorous jokes as well. The lead actors spoofing the lead cast of the Hangover characters are well done, as they portray the characters brilliantly, specifically the actor playing Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis. The film isn't great but comparing it to earlier spoof parody films such as Epic Movie, Disaster Movie or Date movie, this film succeeds as it is more enjoyable and has better character development as well as funnier scenes. The R rating is what makes the film better, as we see the film come fold as one.

  • Much better than its rating would suggest.


    I've been watching movies of all genres since the 1940's. So what is so wrong with this movie that it warrants such a low rating and so many negative comments? In my humble opinion absolutely nothing's 'wrong' with it, in fact I thoroughly enjoyed viewing it. The plot doesn't offend (it is what it has to be as a parody - KISS simple), the scriptwriting is excellent, the camera work/lighting is professionally done and the actors all do their part well. There was a synergism between the principal actors and they worked together really well. I can understand that the movie will not be to everyone's taste: the humor certainly is a little raspy-raw toilet humor at times but that certainly did not define the humorous content of the movie as a whole and there's an unashamed borrowing of ideas and more from other movies: but it works and works amazingly well! After reading other reviewers comments I didn't expect much from this movie but kept an open mind and I'm glad I did otherwise I'd have missed out on a very enjoyable movie experience. If I had to pick the most notable actor in this movie it would have to be the guy with the beard for his extraordinary portrayal of 'the other' guy with the beard in 'the other' movie. I also have to admit that I'm a fan of the beautifully sexy Rita Volk and she didn't disappoint. In summary then, nicely controlled tongue in cheek performances from the entire cast make for a very good laugh out loud piece of film entertainment. I rate it 6.5.

  • No Hangover Cure


    The Hungover Games is the latest sluggish addition to the "Let's parody anything that might be remotely funny" category of film, lampooning The Hunger Games (duh), Ted, The Hangover series, Carrie, Django Unchained and others. This film steals so much from its peers, while at the same time lacking so many of its own original ideas that our main characters are actually taken directly from The Hangover. And for the most part, the storyline, or at least the first fifthteen minutes is also exactly the same as the 2009 Vegas Comedy. Just like in those movies, the fourth friend of the group is misplaced, leaving the first three to try and remember all the terrible things that they did the night before, in an attempt to rediscover him. I know this is a parody, but really? Word-for-word lines from The Hangover have been pilfered as their own. It's astonishing the true lack of any creativity that The Hungover Games possesses, whereas other awful spoof movies such as, say, Scary/Epic Movie seem to have some (very few) of their own ideas, here, "writers" Kyle Barnett Anderson et al, make it feel like they've photocopied Todd Philips' screenplay badly and then taken it for themselves. But it turns out our three buddies have been transported to Hunger Games Land where they have to fight to the death with all the other favourable movies of the last seven years or so. This takes all those films you may have possibly enjoyed over the past few years and throws them in to one terrible mush: watch as the Ted bear has a penis, Katniss Everdeen has had her name changed to "Katnip" (HA!), and Willy Wonka is a homosexual. Add to that pops at race, some Human Centipede "jokes", underage sex gags and just a little bit of necrophilia and you experience an hour and a half of pure film diabolica. And for the people who defend the jokes for being jokes, perhaps if they were funny, fine, but otherwise it just comes off as offensive and downright lazy. The brow for this movie is so low that it's scraping along the ground. I'll end on the only two positives: The people who play the Hangover team are very convincing, and the film itself is shot quite nicely. Otherwise, please, do not go and see this movie. I would rather have been dispatched by a Hunger Games arrow to the face then to have seen this film. Run – sprint, even – away if someone suggests watching this piece of garbage. @JonnyJonJon1

  • This parody of movies movie is really worth your time.


    There has not been a good parody movie in quite a few years, the scary movies are about all we have left, and they have just gotten strange. So here we have the second The Hunger Games parody, in less than 6 months, and you could only be wondering one thing. Yes it is funny. Not rolling around on your back, or tears streaking your cheeks funny, but this is a good parody. There are a lot of exceptional cameos, and the main cast of Hangover guys are all better than you would expect. I liked the touch of having the character names in this movie be the names of the actors, it added that extra layer of unreality. There are terrible jokes in here, and lots of terrible acting to go along with those jokes, but and I'm no fan of Jamie Kennedy he was one hard working producer in this. I really did Enjoy this movie, and was totally surprised that I did. From the start though you can feel that this is a bit better than most of the crap they have been doling out for the past few years, and only barely, but because of that I do recommend this to most people. There is a whole district dedicated to gratuitous nudity, so you can expect some of that, and lots of very simulated violence, but the language is really quite tame. If you love it, or hate it though, stay to the end, the party snaps in the credits are beyond explanation, and after the credits is the biggest laugh of the movie, don't miss it.

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