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The Fight Within (2016)

The Fight Within (2016)

John Major DavisLelia SymingtonMatt LeddoMike H. Taylor
Michael William Gordon


The Fight Within (2016) is a English movie. Michael William Gordon has directed this movie. John Major Davis,Lelia Symington,Matt Leddo,Mike H. Taylor are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. The Fight Within (2016) is considered one of the best Action,Romance,Sport movie in India and around the world.

Logan Chandler, a young MMA fighter seeks to overcome a troubled past and build a new life based on a new faith and a new found love, but is forced back into the fighting world by Hayden Dressler, a local MMA professional.

The Fight Within (2016) Reviews

  • Why can't we get good Christian movies


    I really wanted to like this movie. I like to support Christian movies. But there is one word that came to mind while watching this movie was "cheesy". The acting was not all that good. I like talking about God, Christ all The time, but in this movie it was just strange. The MMA angle was weird. The MMA wasn't really that big part of the movie. It doesn't help that you don't like the main character.

  • Don´t watch it for the MMA.


    I couldn´t get pass the weird connection between Christian belief and MMA . I thought the movie would end by the guy turning the other cheek and refuse to fight, it being a Christian movie and all, but then... They fight. And obviously God was ok with it, because the opponent was a bad dude. I have always thought that God would dislike people fighting and hurting people? What I really thought was interesting was how the movie turned out to be more of a recruit movie, considering how it not so subtle showed (on multiple occasions) Christian community as nice place of inclusion: The laughter, fun, hugs and handshakes between and with people who never met before, etc. But I get that others might like the Christian message in this movie (that it´s ok to fight bad dudes with your fists?)

  • This is not a true MMA movie


    I started watching this film, and I couldn't believe it, that it was a born again Christian movie . Right threw the movie there was reference about God. It was far from a action movie. As if you need to get life coaching from a movie, show me violence and corruption, It's only a movie people, you need to be entertained, not fall asleep. And at the end of the movie he says my god is in my corner, well I thought he was everyone's god. In the storyline they should have mentioned that it had Christian references, and watcher beware. Hey I'm not a hater of someone's beliefs Just don't go putting it through a movie that's supposed to be about MMA Not finding God, how can you find God if not lost .....

  • Legit fight scenes left me wanting more fights!!


    Some of the most popular fighting films of all time have flimsy looking fake fight scenes that ignore real techniques. (I'm looking at you Rocky.) That's not the case with The Fight Within. The actors spent nearly a full year training for the film. They took REAL hits to the face, used actual MMA grappling techniques, and left the audience wanting more. That's actually my main critique with the film. I wanted to see more fights! A few more fights could have been added to prove the reputation of the main character. Maybe another fight in the middle where he could step in to stop a mugging or some other crime, and then just demolishes the criminal that tries to fight him. This would also have been a good opportunity to advertise how effective MMA techniques are when against anyone not trained in mixed martial arts. Overall, the message of the film is noble, and the fights are good.

  • An action film that is equally moving and touching. Great message.


    I just saw this movie this week, we downloaded it through iTunes. My boyfriend wanted to watch this film because his kick boxing buddy recommended it to him. It was a perfect balance for people who like fighting and for the story. The message was really sweet especially the scene when they are by the lake, that was my favorite. The acting was great. I didn't recognize any actors so I looked them up after and surprised that they're upcoming actors, I think they're going to make it big. The fighting scenes were intense and my boyfriend was impressed. I would recommend this movie to people who are interested in MMA/ martial arts but also young couples because of the love story. It somehow caters to both audiences perfectly.

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