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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

William ShatnerLeonard NimoyDeForest KelleyJames Doohan
Nicholas Meyer


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) is a English movie. Nicholas Meyer has directed this movie. William Shatner,Leonard Nimoy,DeForest Kelley,James Doohan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1982. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

It is the 23rd century. Admiral James T. Kirk is an instructor at Starfleet Academy and feeling old; the prospect of attending his ship, the USS Enterprise--now a training ship--on a two-week cadet cruise does not make him feel any younger. But the training cruise becomes a deadly serious mission when his nemesis Khan Noonien Singh--infamous conqueror from late 20th century Earth--appears after years of exile. Khan later revealed that the planet Ceti Alpha VI exploded, and shifted the orbit of the fifth planet as a Mars-like haven. He begins capturing Project Genesis, a top secret device holding the power of creation itself, and schemes the utter destruction of Kirk.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Reviews

  • In the genre, there is simply nothing better, and there never will be.


    Wrath is based on one of the best episodes of The Original Series of Star Trek. The episode, Space Seed, introduced Kahn Noonian Singh, a genetically engineered super-warrior from the 20th century who survived in cryogenic freeze until the crew of the Enterprise found his derelict space ship and revived him. Alas, his instinct to conquer survived as well, and only after an epic struggle is Kirk able to deposit Kahn and his band of supermen in permanent exile on a garden planet. Fifteen years later, a cataclysm has left that planet barren, and Kahn bitter about his plight, when along comes the Enterprise, not knowing they have returned to Kahn's home planet. Kahn escapes and the game is on. This is undoubtedly the best of the Star Trek movies, and in fact, the best of everything that was best about Star Trek TOS. There is heroism, epic conflict, a fully satisfying story, and deliciously over the top acting by Shatner, Nimoy and, the main course, Ricardo Montalban, reprising his original role, with all the menace and drama of, say, Sir Anthony Hopkins' Oscar winning turn as Hannibal Lechter. The writing is great, and why not, it was by Harve Bennett, by way of Melville, and Roddenberry's unforgettable characters, as indelibly etched on our psyches as any fairy tale of our youth, were never brighter, more heroic, more magnificent. In the genre, there is simply nothing better, and there never will be. It took decades to hone and refine these characters, for us to come to love them, and for them to reach the point in their palpably real lives to reflect with self-doubt and angst on lives that we accept as being as real as our own. This isn't a movie, it's a documentary, and a time capsule, and a worthy monument to the best cast in the best Sci-Fi Western ever made.

  • STAR TREK, Done Right!


    STAR TREK: THE WRATH OF KHAN was another miracle moment in a franchise that has had more than it's share of such moments. Paramount never intended to make a sequel to STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE (a philosophy it would continue to embrace, after each film!), and, when, after intense lobbying by Gene Roddenberry, a few 'Trekkers' in the studio hierarchy, and a lot of fans, the studio finally caved in, they reduced the budget, dramatically, almost daring the production team to create a film of quality. In an inspired move, Harve Bennett, a television veteran, was brought in to executive produce, and his sensibilities, honed on the budgetary restraints of the small screen, helped to get the most out of the available funds. A director of the stature of Robert Wise was out of the question, but Bennett and Roddenberry were impressed by young Nicholas Meyer, and his one directorial effort, the cult SF favorite, TIME AFTER TIME, and the 37-year old leaped at the opportunity to tackle another SF film. Contrary to popular belief, Meyer was NOT familiar with the series, but he quickly immersed himself with the series' episodes, then looked at Harve Bennett's script outline, and the two of them then hammered out a shooting script. Gone would be the sterile, monochromatic future envisioned in the first film, replaced with warm colors, frequent references to classic literature, and the sense of camaraderie that had made the original series so popular. Both men had been impressed by Ricardo Montalban's charismatic Khan, in the episode, 'Space Seed', and agreed in bringing back the superhuman, yet sympathetic villain for the film. Leonard Nimoy provided the film's theme; with rumors of a possible new TV series still circulating, the actor, not wishing to be subjected to the weekly grind, suggested 'killing off' Spock, in some heroic fashion. Bennett loved the idea, although he wisely left a 'hook' in the script, in case Nimoy changed his mind, and he and Meyer could now address both the passage of time, and death, issues that were relevant, as the original cast were beginning to show their years! William Shatner, after the stinging reviews of his stilted performance in ST:TMP, needed a strong script to provide 'damage control', and he got it. In perhaps his finest performance, he dominates the screen, whether ruminating on his own mortality with McCoy, explaining how he 'beat' the Kobiyashi Maru scenario by cheating ("I HATE to lose"), discovering that after years as an interstellar lothario, he is a father (and by the one woman he truly 'loved'), playing 'cat and mouse' with Khan, or facing the death of his best friend, Spock. Both decisive and likable, Shatner's Kirk is the glue that holds ST:TWOK together, and he is brilliant. Leonard Nimoy, getting every actor's dream, a chance to 'die' onscreen, gives Spock a poignancy that is, ultimately, heartbreaking; DeForest Kelley, excellent as Dr. McCoy, not only offers righteous indignation over the implications of the Genesis Project, but projects such an obvious affection for both Kirk and his 'sparring partner', Spock, that, far more than in the first film, you can see the nearly symbiotic link between the three leads. The rest of the original cast, despite small roles, still have far more to do than in the first film, and are obviously enjoying themselves (except, understandably, Walter Koenig's 'Chekov', when the parasite is put into his ear!) Of the other leads, Ricardo Montalban lustily chews up the scenery as an 'Ahab'-influenced older Khan; a pre-'Cheers' Kirstie Alley gives Vulcan Lieutenant Saavik far more sex appeal than did her successor in the role, Robin Curtis; Paul Winfield makes the most of his brief role as Chekov's new boss, the doomed Captain Terrell; and Bibi Besch provides a combination of intellect, toughness, and affection playing Kirk's lost love, Carol Marcus. The only disappointment is Merritt Butrick, as Kirk's newly-revealed son, David; in a poorly-written role, he has little to do but gripe about Kirk, before and after he discovers their relationship. The film score was composed by 29-year old James Horner, who was told not to incorporate any of Jerry Goldsmith's themes from ST:TMP; he later admitted that he sneaked a bit of it in, anyway, along with Alexander Courage's original TV themes. While lacking Goldsmith's grandeur, the music is evocative and sweeping, and Horner would return to score STAR TREK: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK. Despite budget restraints, ST:TWOK had terrific FX (particularly during the Mutaran Nebula sequence), and was able to reuse the space dock and voyage sequences from ST:TMP quite effectively. The space battle scene between the Enterprise and Reliant is one of the best sequences in the entire 'Star Trek' film series. ST:TWOK was a HUGE success, both with critics and fans, vindicating Gene Roddenberry's faith in the franchise, and the decision to use Meyer as the director. And in a twist worthy of Scheherazade in 'The Arabian Nights', Spock's death created such an uproar that Paramount HAD to keep the series alive, just to resolve the issue. From a one-shot film deal, a THIRD film would be produced!

  • One of the better "Trek"s....


    I've always held a special place in my heart and mind for this second installment in the "Star Trek" movie series. Mostly, because this is a movie that appeals to both places. Not only is this movie loaded with the original characters from the series, it also touches on such subjects as revenge, family, duty, age and, of course, sacrifice. That was the best thing about the series - that it touched on topics that were (pardon the expression) universal, no matter the species. Everyone is uniformly fine right down the line, especially Montalban's Khan (returned from the "Space Seed" episode of the original series); all hatred, vengeance and single-minded of desire to see his enemy laid out before him. Namely, Kirk. Alley is rather fetching as Saavik and it's a shame she wasn't carried over to the next film. I can't help but, seeing her on TV anymore, to expect her to raise an eyebrow in contemplation. Buttrick makes a complex character out of David, the son Kirk never knew he had. Hurt feelings and resentment meld somewhat explosively with a new-found father/son relationship. And what can one say about Spock, Bones, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura and Scotty? They are characters all of us grew up with and, pivotal to the plot at hand or not, it's always good to see them. For anyone who hasn't seen the movie, I won't discuss it in great detail. The story is simple enough (scientists find way to rejuvenate life on dead planets; Khan finds escape from prison planet, vows revenge on Kirk), but there is one plot point that will, if you are unfamiliar with it, blow you away. Suffice it to say, never has friendship been elocuted so well in this or any movie before or since. Ten stars and a special Kobuyashi Maru simulation for "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan". Watch it: it'll make you feel young again.

  • Best Trek Film


    Star Trek II is the best Trek film. Why? The cat and mouse game between Kirk and Khan. The relationships of the Enterprise crew just keep getting better and better. The battles between the Enterprise and Reliant are tense and spectacular. The one thing that sets Star Trek II apart from all the others (which are good in their own way) is the death of Spock. I can never make it through the end without shedding at least a few tears. It starts to get you when Bones' voice comes back over the intercom instead of Scotty's, and when Kirk looks over to Spock's empty chair, you know something's wrong. The scene that follows is one of the best acted death scenes of all time, and it is also the saddest. Spock's final line is the kicker, and with that scene you understand the entire relationship that Kirk and Spock had and you feel Kirk's loss. "Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most.......human."

  • The ultimate Science Fiction Film and Star Trek's finest hour!


    This sequel to the Star Trek TV series and first Star Trek movies is the ultimate film for any Scifi fan and a rivetting drama for movie fans in general. More action packed and interesting than the original Star Trek movie, it brings the TV show cast onto the big screen by meeting a villain from the TV show (Khan), obsessively portrayed by Ricardo Montalban. Equally obsessive is William Shatner in his finest role playing Admiral Kirk, an ageing man reluctant to return to command of the USS Enterprise, but a man who finds his first, best destiny is at the helm of his ship. The battle scenes are the most engaging of any movie, and the action only lets up long enough for the audience to catch their breath and to advance the storyline. Witty characters, clever plot devices and ingenious writing and, by late 1990s standards, subdued use of special effects make this movie meet and often exceed the quality of the original show. Even 16 years later, the movie's technoligy does not seem "dated" because of the subdued use of Computer "tricks"! And NO cast of characters(sorry "Next Generation" fans!) ever had the chemistry or style the original Star trek cast after 16 years together, a comaraderie showcased in this movie. I saw this movie while I was in High School during the movie's original run and it gets better every single time I see it! The best!!

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