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Mitt (2014)

Mitt (2014)

Mitt RomneyCandy CrowleyEric DraperJim Lehrer
Greg Whiteley


Mitt (2014) is a English movie. Greg Whiteley has directed this movie. Mitt Romney,Candy Crowley,Eric Draper,Jim Lehrer are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Mitt (2014) is considered one of the best Documentary,Biography,Family,News movie in India and around the world.

Mitt Romney, with the support of his family, made two major campaigns for the Office of the President of the United States in the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. This film takes an intimate portrait of the Romney family during these bids through the initial decision to run, the primaries and the general election itself as the former Governor of Massachusetts experiences the highs and lows of his ultimately unsuccessful campaign.

Mitt (2014) Reviews

  • Awesomeness


    Firstly, the best thing about "Mitt" is that it's apolitical. It's the story of a family coping with the massive task of a close family member running for the highest office in America. This movie changed my entire view of Mitt Romney, the person. In all honesty, I am not too sure what would have happened if the Romney campaign had let 'this' Romney out on the campaign trail, rather than the robotic anomaly they contrived for the 2012 election. The film shows that Mitt is actually a funny, seemingly humble dude. This documentary will make you cringe, smile, laugh, and maybe even cry. Surprisingly, I found the camera-work to be contextually pertinent and deliberate, as the various points of focus created a poignant sense of drama, comedy, and sometimes even melancholy. The filmmaker of 'Mitt' did an outstanding job with his extent of access and weaved together an intimate, smooth-flowing glimpse of the Romney family's personal journey throughout Mitt's consecutive, ill-fated presidential campaigns. Ultimately, going into this film is like watching The Titanic; you know how things end, and they end unfavorably. What makes "Mitt" a great documentary is how it manages to draw you in and, at moments, even makes you forget that you know how it all ends. But even when you remind yourself about how it does end, you get drawn in even more by knowing that you ACTUALLY get to experience it from their real, personal vantage point. 10/10

  • Way more raw and real than I expected. Pleasantly surprised!


    Viewers should be warned that this really isn't a documentary...more of a home video collection. The film follows Mitt and the whole Romney clan as they go through the stress, fun, and disappointment of not one but TWO presidential elections. The filming is good, and by the end of the movie I gained some respect for the man. It wasn't filmed with political bias, which i feel is one of the reasons I really liked it. If your a republican, you'll enjoy it as Mitt is portrayed as a very good person. If you're a democrat, you'll like it because won the election , didn't you? All in all, 8 out of 10 stars!I congratulations Netflix on making this good movie!

  • Love Letter


    Firstly, this isn't a film about political ideology, so everyone should appreciate this one of a kind perspective at the political campaign process. People never got to know Mitt during the previous election, which was one of his biggest problems. He seems like such a warm good person after watching this. I'd guess the only thing he's missing is the ruthlessness you would expect in a politician. This documentary (via Netflix) reveals some layers to a man who seemed so cardboard in the past. There isn't that whole battle strategy thing you're expecting (apparently this wasn't allowed to be filmed). This film comes across as a love letter to the man. At many times you feel just like you're sitting down for dinner with the family, and Mitt's your Dad. This is a rare treat for a film. It would have been a better film with some of the harder political strategy from his campaign team, but for what it is, I hope that more candidates follow this idea and release it within their election window. This kind of access to a real person reveals so much more about a person than a debate. What it reveals is a man who's just a bit too sweet and fatherly to topple his competitor. The perfect example moment is twenty-something minutes into the film after the 2008 campaign when we see him siting in a chair in the kitchen reading the paper with his glasses on; It's like a Norman Rockwell painting. Highly recommend this film for it's one-of-a-kind access to one of the great competitions of our time.

  • Good, not great


    "Mitt" was a rewarding experience but it was clear to me that care was taken to present the man in a way that he and his family would approve of. Rewarding in that the Romneys still allowed enough reality to slip to the camera for us to have some fair judgment; but no conversation about the millionaire fund-raiser dinner that ultimately cost him in 2012, and nothing TOO controversial otherwise. What we're left with is a sense that this was a nice guy, who was very close to his family. We also learned that he was someone who never really seemed terribly confident, strong-willed, or clear about his political convictions. He also revealed his a deep devotion to his Mormonism. I never really felt that he was in the race for the right reasons, and this film reinforced that point. Again, the film didn't reveal everything, but (for me) it revealed enough. Mildly recommended.

  • Pretty fluffy political documentary


    This is a pretty fluffy political documentary primarily due to the fact that even though it is covering 2 campaigns for the presidency, there isn't much about politics or policy. The bigger problem with the film, given that it is essentially Romney family home movies, is that after it is over, you really don't know anymore about Mitt then you did before. He has a really large, tightly knit family, a presidential campaign is grueling, and that's pretty much it. The Romney's are quite obviously well aware that they are on camera, so there are no 'unguarded' moments. It's a pleasant enough way to kill 1.5 hours but not as entertaining or enlightening as rereading 'Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail'.

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