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Locked Up (2017)

Locked Up (2017)

Kelly McCartKatrina GreyJared CohnKat Ingkarat
Jared Cohn


Locked Up (2017) is a English movie. Jared Cohn has directed this movie. Kelly McCart,Katrina Grey,Jared Cohn,Kat Ingkarat are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Locked Up (2017) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

When an American teenager gets bullied at her school in Southeast Asia, she fights back--and gets sent to a reform school. But the "school" is more like a prison, and the young teenager must fend off predatory guards and menacing gangs to survive.

Locked Up (2017) Reviews

  • Better of the worst


    Not a bad movie overall but I wish I had known the amount of nudity shown. I was not prepared for the sexuality on this supposed thriller. Other than that I felt the movie had a good, original enough concept. The acting was average but still captivating enough for me to get through the movie with interest. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this movie as a thriller but if you've seen as many on Netflix as I have then you may as well cause it's one of the better of the worst.

  • It's as good as it gets.


    Having watched it on Netflix not too long ago, I really can't see what all the fuss is about. I will assume that most people who hated it had their expectations a little too high. The film features an entire cast of unknowns, obviously. It stars Kelly McCart as Mallory, a young American girl living Southeast Asia who is sent to prison after a self-defense attack on a bully. It's not until 7-10 minutes in as the plot gets going. But when it does, things get, there I say, pretty crazy. I did not expect this to throw as many punches as it did (literally), and boy did it show; again, literally. Now, many have criticized the film's writing, as well as the acting, and I can certainly see why. The premise (as interesting as it may sound) ain't nothing new, and this is coming from someone who saw Jailbait about a year ago; and as I've stated before, the plot doesn't really get going until 7-10 minutes in. The acting (while not good, per-say) is, in my honest opinion, not terrible. All in all, this flick ain't nothing special. if you're one of the seekers expecting a form of substance, prepare to be disappointed, as you'll find very little of it in this. If you are, however, a movie buff seeking entertainment, this flick is definitely for you, because the true saving grace is the lead actress' (there I say) astonishing figure.

  • Laughable


    I don't know what the first two reviewers class as a good movie or what they have been eating but this movie is the worst pile of horse plop that I have ever watched. From start to finish guys................plop, plop and even more plop. I suppose if you have a spare evening in, maybe you can drown yourself in the toilet, hang yourself from the attic or maybe watch this movie and believe me the first two are a lot more tempting than having to put up with the pile of plop they call Locked up. Ha ha ha ha. pure bunkum.

  • Plain bad


    This movie is just bad. Nothing much to it. Bad script, bad acting. No logic in whole movie. Just dont watch it

  • Cult film?


    This movie has all the ingredients to be the next great lesbian cult film. Naked women fighting, bad acting, bad script and low budget. That's as good as it gets.

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