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Jim Jefferies: Freedumb (2016)

Jim Jefferies: Freedumb (2016)

Ryan Polito


Jim Jefferies: Freedumb (2016) is a English movie. Ryan Polito has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Jim Jefferies: Freedumb (2016) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Jim Jefferies talks about family life and challenges the idea of American freedom live on stage in Nashville, Tennessee.

Jim Jefferies: Freedumb (2016) Reviews

  • Brilliant!


    Starts with Cosby and ends with letter to his son! Funny throughout with big laughs every few minutes, my smile never went away. This is a must watch for any true comedy fan. Jim has perfected the jokes and his delivery is unmatched these days. I saw the same show in Vancouver with friends and we were on the ground laughing for half the show. Jim's act will never be for the politically correct so if you are easily-offended this is not for you. It's odd that comedians have become the philosophers of our time and few minutes become a bit preachy but even those feel sincere and heartfelt. I hope he releases one of these every year.

  • Jim Jefferies for President!


    Jim Jefferies is really funny. The kinda guy that could be my best friend. Hearing him in this show is like hearing me think outloud. The only thing that is even more funny then this show is the bad reviews on here by the dumb frustrated republicans. They just can't stand that someone is making fun of all their illogical and unjust thinking and way of life. I even wonder why a republican would watch one of his shows? They must be masochists, deep down in their secret basement. Freedumb is just hilarious, made me laugh for the entire show. I do respect the Americans that can take a joke on their country, not all of them are assholes. Like my wife, that is an American, she has a good sense of humor. I will always laugh when people like Jim Jefferies make fun about religious people, gun control, or Donald Trump. I can only applaud him doing that in the USA, and in this case in Nashville. You have to have some balls to make fun of the way of living and thinking in America, aspecially in Nashville. But the audience was laughing and having a good time, and that's a proof that not everybody is a redneck gun wielding Trump lover in Nashville and that's a good thing. Nothing beats sarcasm and Jim Jefferies is the king.

  • Amazing


    While Jim is a bit rough around the edges at time, when he wants to get serious, he can make many valid points about the topic he's speaking about. I've seen people getting mad at his view points and it just baffles me... It's COMEDY! If you can't take jokes that may disagree with your political views, don't watch this, or any other comedian for that matter. Amazing show by an amazing comedian, hopefully his next show is just as good!

  • One of the greats


    Jim Jefferies is right up there for me, and this show is one of my favourites! This guy is absolutely hilarious and, unless you're an easily offended type of individual, you'll have a great time.

  • Isn't that what we all want? Freedumb...


    This stand-up comedian act is definitely not for everyone, because his material is somewhat of an acquired taste I think. I did, however, enjoy his stand-up show and I was more than genuinely entertained throughout the entire show "Jim Jefferies: Freedumb" had lots of good jokes. And Jim Jefferies is great at delivering his jokes and punchlines, just as he has a very potent on-stage appearance. This 2016 show is, for me, one of his better performances. And if you aren't already familiar with the work of Jim Jefferies, then you should definitely start of with watching this show to get into his sick and often twisted sense of humor. But be prepared to travel to some very dark and questionable places. Well worth the time, money and effort.

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