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Don't Leave Home (2018)

Don't Leave Home (2018)

Bobby RoddyMark LawrenceSue WalshAlisha Weir
Michael Tully


Don't Leave Home (2018) is a English movie. Michael Tully has directed this movie. Bobby Roddy,Mark Lawrence,Sue Walsh,Alisha Weir are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Don't Leave Home (2018) is considered one of the best Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

An American artist's obsession with a disturbing urban legend leads her to an investigation of the story's origins at the crumbling estate of a reclusive painter in Ireland.

Don't Leave Home (2018) Reviews

  • Don't Leave Home: Mysterious, brooding, fascinating, bit crap


    Don't Leave Home is a US made feature horror set in Ireland on a 400yr old estate. It tells the story of an artist who is commisioned to make a piece for a disgraced priest. She must travel from the US to Ireland, live with them while making the artwork and remain for the auction. But in traditional horror form things don't go to plan and before she knows it she is subject to weird supernatural activities. The movie is very atmospheric and throughout I was both fascinated and bored to tears. It's nothing we haven't seen before, but the slow plodding pace didn't seem to be offering anything or suggesting it was going anywhere. When the finale comes, it delivers but leaves you with far too many questions and therefore when the credits rolled I felt rather unsatisfied. Don't Leave Home certainly has some good ideas and a solid concept, but an additional 15-30 minutes to pad it out and fully explain just what in the blue hell was going on would have been appreciated. The Good: Very atmospheric Some good ideas The Bad: Very slow paced Too much left to the imagination Things I Learnt From This Movie: Heaven is a marsh Never trust a priest (In movies or real life)

  • A slow burner that doesn't deserve all the hate


    While movies like Hereditary and It Follows get praise for being slow eerie movies, this movie takes it to an international level by creating a creepy story around an Irish urban legend, which is terrifyingly realistic. The Celtic setting of the movie creates an unbelievably uncomfortable atmosphere which transcends in the incredible soundtrack. The directing is over average, but I do agree it's nothing less than cheesy at some points. But the clever 70's style of certain shots does the job of bringing us back into this eerie world. The acting is also very good, especially for an indie. It's hard to know who you can trust and it's great to see a main actress that doesn't sound or look like the dumb little damsel in distress. Overall, it's a movie that comes very close to being a classic, maybe only taken back from the fact that it lacks true novelty and, without being predictable, doesn't bring anything new to the table. I'd recommend it to anyone who loves slow burners with a spiritual background that doesn't try too hard to be its own thing and just lets things flow, making for a realistic, downright creepy story.

  • All Atmosphere, All Boring, All the Time


    This film has many good points, it's well cast and the acting is excellent. It's beautifully shot. There is plenty of creepy Irish Countryside atmosphere. On the other hand, it's just boring and slow. The title would suggest horror or a thriller and it is neither. A movie needs to entertain and if you are struggling to stay awake the filmmakers have failed. Too many supposed scary movies lately are trying to get away on atmosphere or style alone and have forgotten to throw in the chills, thrills and scares. At the very least an interesting story would be nice. By the time this ended I couldn't even explain completely what was going on. The 4 stars are for Ireland and the acting and the 3 leads are very good. It's a shame they're stuck in this bore of a movie.

  • Loved it


    I think this movie have gotten so much unfair criticism! I think if you feel the movie didn't make sense then you have not paid any attention! It had a great plot and it was only a bit slow for the first 20 minutes but in the end it all made sense! (If you don't follow carefully in the beginning you won't understand the end I guess!) It was full of surprises and twists! I also couldn't predict the end which I loved! I would def recommend this movie!

  • Dark obsession


    Actually wanted to like 'Don't Leave Home', and yes there was the intention to judge the film for myself after watching it and even more intention to judge it fairly. Both have always been the case with me when it comes to reviewing a film. The idea was attention-grabbing and it didn't look too bad, so there was potential. Potential that was not lived up to very well at all. 'Don't Leave Home' was not a waste of time but it is a long way from a must watch from personal opinion. Didn't regret watching it and didn't find that my intelligence was insulted, something that cannot be said for some other films seen recently, it just didn't compel let alone unsettle me which is a primary factor as to why 'Don't Leave Home' as an overall film doesn't work. Lets start with the good things. 'Don't Leave Home' started off very well, it does draw one right in, sets things up promisingly and has an eerie vibe. It's a decent looking film, with the setting giving off the right amount of unease and the photography has atmosphere. The music is haunting and not too obvious or intrusive. Generally the acting was better than average, very good actually with the three leads. Nobody over-compensates and nobody looks uncomfortable or robotic. However, while the characters don't annoy or there could have been much more development to them. The script is an overload of cheese and awkwardness and the direction is at best lethargic. 'Don't Leave Home's' biggest issue is the story. There is very little tension, suspense or dread, with the scares infrequent and being going-through-the-motions-like and obvious when they appear. It is dull too often despite starting off so well and is very predictable from the excessive over-familiarity of a lot of scenes, while it becomes increasingly far-fetched and confused. Not enough is explained properly either, too much is left vague and leaves one scratching their heads. Not a waste of time but doesn't scare or compel enough. 4/10 Bethany Cox

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