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Don't Grow Up (2015)

Don't Grow Up (2015)

Fergus RiordanMadeleine KellyMcKell DavidDarren Evans
Thierry Poiraud


Don't Grow Up (2015) is a English movie. Thierry Poiraud has directed this movie. Fergus Riordan,Madeleine Kelly,McKell David,Darren Evans are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Don't Grow Up (2015) is considered one of the best Drama,Horror,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

The story about a group of youths who can't face the thought of growing up because anyone who does becomes a rampaging zombie.

Don't Grow Up (2015) Reviews

  • And now watch The Children.


    Don't grow up isn't the genre's best out there but it certainly deserves a look especially if you're into horror. And why is that? Well it does act more like a drama, and on character development but the premise and the world it builds is scary. Of course little is shown so there is a lot left for the imagination, completely the opposite compared to The Children. So if you do like this one, go watch what I just recommended. Far better, more tensions and more action on screen. Overall Don't Grow Up is a little indie project, not quite original, nothing new in the direction, same bad decisions taken throughout the movie just like in any other but it works alright for a very late, lonely night. Cheers!

  • Another film that suffers from IMDb's rating scheme...


    I recently watched this film and while it's certainly no blockbuster, I was surprised that I didn't find myself bored or wishing I had something better to watch. This film was far more dramatic than I expected, especially considering that nearly the entire cast were adolescent kids. As mentioned in some other reviews, the poor decisions made by characters is actually somewhat believable considering their young age. That said, this film deserves far more than anything below a 5 out of 10. I scored it a 6, simply because it surprised me with decent, yet brief SFX and reasonably high production values. The acting also exceeded expectations. I anticipated some teen angst, but it wasn't over done or gratuitous. The film worked fine for a budget indie flick about some teen's perspective of the apocalypse. I've seen far worse and I suspect this film's rating suffers from blown expectations of those expecting an action flick with tons of "disaster porn" that's usually associated with films of this genre. To paraphrase another review, this film is just fine for watching on a late night or rainy day.

  • It's not you, it's me


    This movie will likely be seen a lot better at a certain age than at other ages. And it's OK, if a movie tries to appeal to a certain group of people. This might have resonated somehow with me, if I was younger and I can understand if people see it that way. I'm also pretty certain that the same people probably would change their mind a decade or so after they've watched it. That being said, the nature of the young grown ups and their flaws is intriguing. Even though they are delinquents, they are not entirely unlikable. They do have a tendency to draw the wrong conclusions and make the worst choice possible. Other than that, what kind of movie would we have here?

  • Done!


    44 years old and I still don't feel like an adult. So, yeah. I probably won't. While we're waiting 28 years for a 28 Months Later sequel, I guess we can settle for Don't Grow Up. Though it's a very toned down and lower budget than the 28 Days/Weeks series, it would've been nice to be thrown post-made into the 28 universe much like Cloverfield parasites on other projects. In a youth center on the world's largest island, a surprising low number of residents find the sole adult supervisor gone and so the bad kids do bad things. Until...they find out the adults have...all gone mad! Presumably, any person on the island that's old enough to {fill in the blank} gets a mild case of the rabies. My guess the budget only allowed enough scenes of the horror of the show so, sadly, this movie heavily relied on the kids' drama. Luckily, the kids' acting is fairly good and the movie was well shot, it's the lack of budget (or ambition of the writer/director) that makes most of this a missed opportunity. Half the time, you forget you're watching a horror movie or that there's any real threat out there. The kids aren't that likable, so you're never really rooting for them and with the little information we're given, apparently, they might become adults (SEE: Title) and get sick themselves, so, there's no real hope. Still, the movie and kids' mission is to get off the island as they're hunted by both the sick and those younger than them. So, fine, I guess there's a tiny sparkle of hope. I can think of many more movies that kinda takes these themes and did it far better (like the aforementioned 28-series in addition to Train to Busan, Dawn of the Dead, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, etc.) but considering this is only 81 minutes and it's pretty to look at, it receives a mild pass. *** Final thoughts: On a horror podcast I'm addicted to, Shockwaves, I heard a glowing review of this and I knew this was new to my subscription of Shudder. Always loving their recommendations and new-to-me horror, I jumped at the chance. Apparently, that one review was the one good one...well, that was a shock.

  • Another zombie movie that fails to deliver


    How many variant of movies can you make about the zombie genre? I guess this is another original idea about only adults becoming zombies, leaving the children being 'normal'. Was it a good idea to make this movie? It could have been if the movie was stronger with better action scenes and zombie attacks. But then only for lovers of this genre. What you get instead is just a movie like you saw so many times before. Nothing that you will remember about in the future. The actors (almost all kids of course) are just okay without any being brilliant. The story is just too weak to be interesting. And on top of that they don't give you any explanation about what could have start this disaster. I would just skip this movie if I were you.

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