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Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres (2008)

Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres (2008)

David TennantJimmy VeePhilip Hurd-Wood
Euros Lyn


Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres (2008) is a English movie. Euros Lyn has directed this movie. David Tennant,Jimmy Vee,Philip Hurd-Wood are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2008. Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres (2008) is considered one of the best Short,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

The Doctor confronts a Graske as he poses a threat not just to the Doctor, but to the BBC Proms.

Same Director

Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres (2008) Reviews

  • Entertaining


    As a new piece of Who, it's a bit so-so (frankly, the Graske storyline could not have been less interesting and whoever was dubbing in his voice was seriously lacking), but as a treatise in interactive acting, it was fascinating. David wasn't even there and he had the audience eating out of his hand. His timing and intonation couldn't have been more exact than if he'd been in another room piping his performance in live. The interaction with the orchestra and conductor was well done, especially the trick of sending the music though the portal. And the little speech at the end about music being for everybody, not just musicians and people with albums, was a nice message for the kids.

  • Doctor Who Interactive


    "Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres" (a title as pretentious as the one of the music piece mentioned later in here) is a 7-minute live action short film from 2008, so this one will soon have its 10th anniversary. Director is Euros Lyn and the writer is Russell T. Davies. But is it really a movie that should be on the Internet Movie Database? I am not sure. It is more of a live performance and lets be honest David Tennant adds almost nothing interesting in here. Or funny. The only thing I kinda liked was the Graske's performance and presence and I'd watch him in a film or show anytime over Dr. Who. Never got the appeal with the latter. At least this one is not as pretentious and try-hard in terms of comedy and science as some of the others. But this just means that it is bad for other reasons. The annoying music part would be one. Yeah, this one definitely deserves a thumbs-down and the interactions with the audiences are everything except good filmmaking. Is it filmmaking at all? It's really more of a Mario Barth comedy program. Oh my Royal Albert Hall, what have you become? Watch something else.

  • Doctor Who: Live at the Proms


    This is a great little short done for the BBC Proms starring David Tennant in character as the 10th Doctor interacting with a live audience. Despite his not being there he has the audience, especially the kids, hanging on his every word. His delivery could not have been better unless he had literally been there himself in person. There's also a brief story with him facing an evil Graske which is very amusing written by the master of Doctor Who comedy Gareth Roberts. The trick with 10 sending his music to the live orchestra was very clever too. This is well worth taking a few minutes out of your time to pull this up on YouTube to watch. You will be entertained, I guarantee it.

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