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Death of a Cheerleader (2019)

Death of a Cheerleader (2019)

Aubrey PeeplesMorgan Taylor CampbellSarah DugdaleMaddy Hillis
Paul Shapiro


Death of a Cheerleader (2019) is a English movie. Paul Shapiro has directed this movie. Aubrey Peeples,Morgan Taylor Campbell,Sarah Dugdale,Maddy Hillis are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2019. Death of a Cheerleader (2019) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A shy outsider tries to make friends with the popular high school cheerleader and seeks revenge after she's rejected.

Death of a Cheerleader (2019) Reviews

  • The original was better


    The original was better. The first part is hard to follow - badly directed and unclear with too many characters and girls who kind of look alike. The camera is jerky. The The killing is scary still. The killer isn't plain enough. Not great. Just watch the original. An unnecessary remake.

  • Where to start ... SUCKS?


    So, my sister tells me that Lifetime has done a remake of A Friend to Die for AKA Death of a cheerleader. Both based on the true story of the Kristin Costas murder in 1984 in Orinda, CA. Bernadette Protti was the name of the killer IRL. Anyhow, we like the original so we decided to watch the remake. It sucks. The acting is horrible and the movie is just all over the place. Skip it and watch the original instead.

  • Boring and Dissapointing


    Nothing even close to the original. I miss the 90's lifetime movies. The new remakes of lifetime are never good. "No one would tell' was a great 90's movie and the new 2018 remake of that was just butchered. Same with this one. I never give my hopes up anymore.

  • Terrible remake


    The original was perfected as per all of the articles and court reported stories from the time it actually happened. This remake was just awful in my opinion. The other girls all did look a like, it was very hard to tell who was who. The acting wasn't convincing, they didn't provide the emotions that the killer went through enough to show the build up. The proof of the killer's state of mind and torment she felt she endured was in the actual taped police confession. This movie failed miserably in my opinion. Very disappointed.

  • Very disappointed


    I was pretty excited to see the remake of an amazing movie but this wasn't so amazing. If you haven't seen the original, the story is pretty hard to follow and full of holes. If you have seen the original movie this one is just a huge disappointment.

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