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Corner Gas: The Movie (2014)

Corner Gas: The Movie (2014)

Brent ButtGabrielle MillerFred EwanuickEric Peterson
David Storey


Corner Gas: The Movie (2014) is a English movie. David Storey has directed this movie. Brent Butt,Gabrielle Miller,Fred Ewanuick,Eric Peterson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Corner Gas: The Movie (2014) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

As the town of Dog River goes bankrupt the residents of the town must pack up and move out. However our favourite citizens make one last-ditch effort to save Dog River.

Corner Gas: The Movie (2014) Reviews

  • Loved It!!!!


    I loved all of it! It was great to see Oscar and all of the nonsense that his character was known for. He was my favourite character. Of course Hank and Brent were their usual silly selves. It's too bad that Nancy Robertson got a face lift as she did not look like her self and I thought that she looked great the way that she was before she had it done. I thought that the scene between Davis & Hank in Wullerton was very funny. Although he did have a one minute cameo in the film, I found myself missing Phil the bartender. Otherwise I found it extremely enjoyable and would definitely recommend it to anyone. I hope that they make another movie as I do not think that I will ever get tired of Corner Gas, ever.

  • Exceeded My Expectations


    I have always been a fan of the Corner Gas series, and was quite sad when it went off the air. I was actually unaware that a movie was being made until a week before it debuted. Of course I bought tickets to the movie. As a fan of the show, I'll admit that some of the episodes, while always entertaining, only really became funny to me once I watched the episode a second time. Much like the show, the movie has no laugh track, but the jokes were very funny, consistent in their pacing, and a bit less subtle than the TV show. The whole theatre (which was completely sold out) was in stitches the entire film. All of the actors did a stand up job reprising their roles, and it felt like the same old crew even years after the series ended. The plot line was good, and in true Corner Gas fashion, all of the wild tangents that each character went on tied together in the end. Also, as a special surprise, Lorne Cardinal was at the theatre and introduced the movie in person. Over all, a great time! Maybe we will be lucky enough for a second movie sometime in the future.

  • Canadian Excellence!


    Corner Gas: The Movie (2014): Dir: David Storey / Cast: Brent Butt, Gabrielle Miller, Fred Ewanuick, Nancy Robertson, Eric Peterson: Grand Canadian comedy at its best. It regards small town local lifestyles in Dog River Saskatchewan that is threatened to be taken over or eliminated if they cannot raise money to fix their little town up. Brent Butt runs the local gas station called "Corner Gas." Gabrielle Miller plays Lacey whom his mother is attempting to hook him up with so that she may eventually have grandchildren. Lacey is seen as bossy but her heart is right when taking charge to put Dog River on the right track, beginning with her little diner. Fred Ewanuick plays a grease monkey mechanic type scouring for ideas that mostly get ignored. Nancy Robertson plays Wanda who works at Corner Gas but also has a side job housesitting for retired officer Davis. His man cave is turned into a gambling casino bar by high spirited Wanda. Lorne Cardinal is hilarious as Davis who becomes a noirish detective in the most buffoonish stereotypical fashion possible. Tara Spencer-Nairn plays pregnant cop Karen whose ever ticketing habit makes her unpopular. Finally we have the ever stubborn Oscar, stealing laugh by Eric Peterson. Oscar is Brent's father whose old fashion methods of living off the land are seen as backward. This is actually very well written with surprisingly clean humour that celebrates the average citizen of small towns. It regards those places where everybody knows everyone else as well as everyone's business. That makes the Corner Gas big on opportunity when warped minds collide. Score: 10 / 10

  • Do they still give marks for effort?


    If you are Canadian, or know someone who is Canadian, or can spell the word H-o-c-k-e-y, you may already be familiar with the legend of Corner Gas, that great opus which begat this movie. Once upon a time, deep in the bowels of the Canuck entertainment industry (an industry which owes its very existence to the exchange rate with the US dollar; and which can claim to have spawned over 90% of all the bad sequels made in the last 30 years) a fairly unknown but undeniably clever comic pitched an idea for a Canadian-ish Seinfeld ("Seinfeld without the nasty edge") and not only was it accepted, it was an international hit. Even as you read these words, on some comedy channel somewhere in the digital world, Corner Gas is running, and, like Lucy, may run long after the rest of us have shuffled off this mortal coil. The team behind GAS left the party while the getting was good, and tried a bunch of spinoffs. The fact that you never heard of the spinoffs pretty much answers your next 2 questions. Which left only one option -- recapture the glory days by bringing the whole team back into harness for a feature. And here we are. It's actually hard to review because -- and this is fatal for a critic -- I know the series too well, and that means I am reacting to my memory of the characters as much as the characters themselves, in the movie. So, bottom line, if you are fan of the original, there are worse ways to spend a rainy afternoon than with Brent and boys. And the incredibly photogenic Gabrielle Miller doesn't hurt either. However, as raw entertainment, there are problems. The script is massively overwritten. You get the feeling that every time writer A noticed a problem, writer B would try to plaster over it with a clever pun or a segue. With the expected result. None of which changes the fact that it is meandering, overlong, uneven, and poorly meshed to the feature-length format. That's my view as a critic. As a fan, however, it was great fun to see the gang back in action again!

  • Awesome!!


    I had not thought of Corner Gas for years. I just stumbled upon it on Primewire and couldn't believe my luck! I watched the series and fell in love with the character then, and even though I hadn't thought of the show in a very long time, I found myself instantly recalling the names of the characters as they showed up in the movie. If you've loved the series then this will be a treat for you as it was for me. I found the town on Google Maps and the grain silo is even still painted 'Dog River'.,-104.9050114,998m/data=!3m1! 1e3 If you loved the show, you'll love the movie!

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