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Coach Carter (2005)

Coach Carter (2005)

Samuel L. JacksonRick GonzalezRobert Ri'chardRob Brown
Thomas Carter


Coach Carter (2005) is a English movie. Thomas Carter has directed this movie. Samuel L. Jackson,Rick Gonzalez,Robert Ri'chard,Rob Brown are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Coach Carter (2005) is considered one of the best Biography,Drama,Sport movie in India and around the world.

In 1999, Ken Carter accepts the job of basketball coach for his old high school in a poor area of Richmond, CA. As much dismayed by the poor attitudes of his players as well as their dismal play performance, Carter sets about to change both. He imposes a strict regime typified in written contracts that demand respectful behavior, a dress code and good grades for players. Any initial resistance is soon dispelled as the team under Carter's tutelage becomes a undefeated competitor. However, when the overconfident team's behavior begins to stray with too many doing poorly in class, Carter takes immediate action. To the outrage of the team, the school and the community, Carter cancels all team activities and locks the court until the team shows acceptable academic improvement. In the ensuing debate, Carter fights to keep his methods, determined to show the boys that they need good values for their futures and eventually finds he has affected them more profoundly than he ever expected.

Coach Carter (2005) Reviews

  • It's about time there's a movie about morals.


    Honestly, I don't care about dates. I don't care about names, or stats, or if the writers got a bunch of stats confused. I mean did you actually watch the movie, or were you just looking at the screen for misprints on jerseys? To believe that some people can actually watch a movie and then complain that the time line is off with reality is beyond my comprehension. Who cares about the time line! It's not reality that you're watching, it's a movie. Movies, no matter how real the stories they are based on, are not real. They are altered. They are changed to make a better storyline. If people can be dense enough to complain about names and numbers and dates, then they missed the big picture. They missed a great movie that actually conveys a real message. It's not about the sports, it's about the students. And it's not always about what you put in, it's about what you take out. It's about what you take away from the situation that you've walked into. That's what this movie is about, not about basketball. It's about life, and how easily people give in and give up. It's about learning, and having faith that people will do the right thing. Yes, it's about public education, and a community on the edge of stupid, but there's more to it than that. You just have to stop looking, and watch. This movie truly was excellent, right up there on the shelf next to "With Honors." But make sure you are really paying attention, otherwise, what's the point?

  • Good Movie


    "Coach Carter" is a well-made movie, and from what I have heard it stays true to the actual story. If you're sick of inspirational-type movies, then don't go see it, but otherwise I highly recommend it. All of the performances are at least tolerable, and most are really good. Samuel L. Jackson is great. Most sports movies have terrible action scenes, but the basketball footage in the movie is actually quite believable (for example, no short white kids dunking and things like that). The movie is very realistic, and the director has gone to great lengths to make it seem as true-to-life as possible. I think it works very well.

  • Not your average basketball movie


    While basketball is used as the backdrop for the movie, Coach Carter really isn't about basketball. The real heart of the movie is in the way Coach Carter begins to turn the lives around of the players on his basketball team by showing them that someone actually cares about what happens to them after high school. At one point in the movie Carter (played perfectly by Samuel L. Jackson) asks a player why he plays basketball and he responds with "to win the state title" - which of course gets him high fives from the rest of the team. Carter then asks the team who won the state title last year and nobody knows the answer. Carter tries to show his players that high school basketball is not about winning but about discipline, respect and the confidence to accomplish any goal. If you are thinking about going to see Coach Carter as a basketball movie, I suggest seeing another movie, but if you want to see a truly inspiring story go see Coach Carter.

  • Coach Carter was a good portrayal of a true story


    I really enjoyed the movie and was actually inspired by the end of the film. The film was a little corny and syrupy from time to time but it was an overall good, positive film. I have read and heard so many comments about the morals and unacceptable behavior portrayed by some of the characters and in turn viewers bad-mouth the film simply because they do not agree with some of the behavior of the some of the characters in the film. But these people obviously missed the point of the film. Coach Carter was trying to instill values that he thought would help an entire community. The reality is that kids do have foul mouths, have unprotected sex, are faced with hard decisions (to have or not have a baby and selling drugs) everyday. We should all be so fortunate to have the opportunity to see a movie that features a person that actually tries to deal with these issues without making judgment calls and instead offer resolutions to problems. He offered resolutions to his team's behavior and left it to them to make the right decisions. This was good because they were able to see the consequences of their actions. When they made the right decision, they were able to see the positive consequences. When they made the wrong decision the players were faced with negative consequences and had no one to blame but themselves. The impact of a person of this magnitude is profound and if some viewers found fault with this movie simply because their reality is a little different at this moment then it was for the characters in this film is very unfortunate for the viewer. Because you never know when you might be faced with a person similar to that in the movie. You just might have to deal with this situation more personally than expected and if this happens what will you do? Because the consequences of your actions in a situation like this will be either positive or negative as well.

  • i love this movie...


    I can honestly relate to this movie. I am a female athlete and all through my high school years i've seen athletes get passed because they play sports. It's mostly the guys though. We have a coach that made every boy failing a subject get a tutor. This movie reminded me a lot of him. Not many coaches put their jobs on the line for the benefit of the kids. I agree with what he did 100% and i know lots of others do too. The movie shows perfect detail of how students act in schools and out of school. I went and saw it two nights in a row and each time, i saw different things about the movie. It's a great movie and I think all coaches and teachers should see it. It shows that most athletes are passed because they are athletes, not because they have the grades.

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