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Chasseurs de dragons (2008)

Chasseurs de dragons (2008)

Vincent LindonPatrick TimsitPhilippe NahonAmanda Lear
Guillaume Ivernel,Arthur Qwak


Chasseurs de dragons (2008) is a French movie. Guillaume Ivernel,Arthur Qwak has directed this movie. Vincent Lindon,Patrick Timsit,Philippe Nahon,Amanda Lear are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2008. Chasseurs de dragons (2008) is considered one of the best Animation,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

The world has become a vast conglomerate of islands of varying size and shape. This babbling universe is mainly populated with ruthless rogues, surly peasants and illiterate, petty lords. Their main concerns revolve around two fundamental rules: Eat and don't get eaten. For this new world has become infested with a terrible plague: omnipresent, monstrously famished, mutant creatures are wreaking havoc - They are known as the Dragons. Gwizdo and Lian-Chu are two dragon hunters, but are a long way from being among the best. Their only real talents: the size of the hulking brute with the heart of gold, Lian-Chu, and Gwizdo's talent for scams of all and any shape or form. Their sole ambition: to buy a little farm where they can relax and raise mussels, a creature that is a lot less unpleasant and difficult to hunt down than dragons. A few islands away rises the fortress of Lord Arnold. Arnold has a problem: he's living in terror at the thought of the return of World Eater, that horrible ...

Same Director

Chasseurs de dragons (2008) Reviews

  • What a beauty!


    This is a real eye candy. A world made of floating islands and flying ancient cities. Huge monsters whose preferred method of attack is hurling cathedrals at their opponents... Who can resist that? An ancient prophecy, a bunch of underdog heroes and a cute princess in search of her hero... sounds familiar...? Yes we heard that song before. But You will forget that while looking at the spectacular scenery. This movie is fun to watch while it lasts. But after leaving the cinema You'll be longing for a little bit more story. What is behind the 30-years-circle? What drove the knight crazy? Who built all these fabulous monuments, castles and cities... and why are they falling apart? And apart from that one bunch of farmers, where are the people? Really, this picture looks so intriguing, but it's no Lord of the Rings.

  • Absolutely Brilliant!


    Have you heard the story about the reluctant heroes who were hired by a King to slay a dragon? Oh, you have? Was it set in a world entirely composed of small islands floating above clouds, and did the heroes have to make dangerous leaps from one island to the next on their journey? Did water flow upwards and remnants of great cities levitate on the horizon? I didn't think so. I stumbled onto this movie by accident and I'm really glad that I did! It's one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. Much like the Pixar movies, it's a piece of computer animated art that could only be possible in today's world. The animators have invested thought into almost everything that appears on the screen, and this attention to detail is staggering (the scene where the mushrooms in the foreground belch green smoke whilst the characters walk obliviously in the background is one of my favourites). The monsters are also fully realised and wonderful to watch in action. Although the plot may not be entirely unique, the movie has enough charm to make sure you keep watching. Our protagonists are likable and interesting, ensuring the audience is behind their almost impossible quest to reach the end of the world and destroy the dragon which might otherwise devour everything in its path. Of course, Hector is the character most will fall in love with. A small blue creature with a crazy grin and a tendency to speak a mixture of nonsense and English, Hector provides comedy relief in a way Jar Jar Binks could only dream of. In summary, I'd recommend watching The Dragon Hunters if you get the opportunity. Watch it for the incredible animation, the breath-taking battle scenes and for a glimpse into a world that's unlike anything else you've seen on a cinema or television screen. At the very least, it's a fun way to spend an hour and a half - no matter if you're nine or twenty-nine (which, in fact, I am)!

  • visually stunning and pretty funny, thumbs way up!


    this is my first review on IMDb, i didn't really want to write one but since there are only 2 for this great movie right now, i feel compelled to add my perspective...and no, i'm not associated to the movie makers in any way (yeah yeah how often did you here that before ;-) ) FYI i'm in my late 20s 1st of all i have to admit i really like animated movies, because what you see is only limited by the imagination of the creators and they were pretty imaginative on this one. Not so much in terms of story but in achieving a very unique and imo fresh visual style. The characters look good but far from real and it works well for the movie, after all it's a fairytale-like world. But the backgrounds and the world in general is filled with awesome visuals that my jaw dropped several times while watching this. The blue, bunny-like mini-dragon steels the show and has easily some of the funniest moments of the movie, he is already an instant classic, much as Scrat from Ice Age. The story is not too surprising (a bunch of anti-heroes have to go out and slay the biggest dragon you can imagine) but who cares if the movie looks and sounds THAT good ;-) 1 thing i have to point out, imo the movie is not suited for VERY young children because it has some darker scenes in it and maybe frightening for kids under 6-8 i would say, these are only very few scenes but worth mentioning imo. Anyway i had a great time watching this and can't wait for it to hit the stores in high def to watch it over and over again just for the sheer beauty of it. 8,5 for me

  • In a Perfect World, All CGI Animated Movies Would Consist of Visuals of This Caliber!


    ............................................................from Pasto,Colombia...Via: L.A. CA., CALI, COLOMBIA and ORLANDO, FL 1,000 Words? Not nearly enough to do this film justice. . Also, we'd be allowed more than 1K Words to discuss a cinematic marvel. The real title is "Chasseurs de Dragon".(Don't confuse this with "Dragon Hunter"!) Name any specific area for evaluating or critiquing a CGI film and "Hunters" is flawlessly top-notch. Every frame, quite literally, is a work of art! Immediately after viewing my rental copy, I ran out and bought one. In areas such as creative/artistic design and rendering, conceptualization, technical precision and execution, music soundtrack, and sound engineering "Dragon Hunters" set a new CGI standard for 2008, and could have served as the yardstick by which all future CGI endeavors were measured. In fact, at times, remarkably, I felt it was almost too good! The unparalleled meticulous attention to detail was almost distracting. One example: The nerdy little side-kick/manager character had faint acne scars on his face! Can you believe that? After experiencing this surreal French production I'm prompted to issue this warning: Pixar and Dreamworks, you'd best stand up and take notice! "Hunters" from an artistic standpoint, has both great highbrow and lowbrow appeal. When Salvador Dali had dreams at age 10, I'm sure they were reminiscent of "Hunters". There is something in this movie for everyone. The acting, by the way, was delightful. Forrest Whitaker gave a firm but nuanced performance. 9*....ENJOY/DISFRUTELA! Any comments, questions or observations, in English o en Español, are most welcome!

  • Indescribable beauty


    For a long time i haven't seen so beautiful animated feature. Having healthy respect for Pixar, i must say that Ratatouille or any other movie made by 'em can not be compared to this. Animators have created an incredibly beautiful world here. The graphics is amazing, the background surroundings are mind-blowing, almost every object in every frame is drawn perfectly. Sometimes i felt tingles down my spine - so much i loved what i've seen. The plot is absolutely romantic. As romantic as the animated film plot can possibly be. The characters are lovable, especially Hector, the blue rabbit, he owns, pawns, rocks and rules! The other char-s are very nice also. The humor is top-notch. Generally it seemed that creators didn't invest much effort into this. I mean it looked like it didn't take em too much in difference from people of Pixar&Dreamworks who try hard every time to think on something new. And i'm very glad that a product of European animation studio turned out to be SO great. They've made a magnificent, touching movie, a candy for eye and heart. The only minus is stupid beginning and that's why it's 9of10 not 10/10

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