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Chasing the Devil (2014)

Chasing the Devil (2014)

Tim PhillippsVivan DugréChris YuleCory Knauf
Mark Haber


Chasing the Devil (2014) is a English movie. Mark Haber has directed this movie. Tim Phillipps,Vivan Dugré,Chris Yule,Cory Knauf are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Chasing the Devil (2014) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Patrick McCord doesn't accept the explanation of his sister's mysterious death as suicide, and instead teams up with a team of paranormal investigators to delve deeper into the inexplicable circumstances that surround what he believes to be murder. The team's investigation leads them from one bizarre and frightening clue to another, at the center of which seems to exist something evil and terrifying, a presence well beyond their wildest imaginations and experiences. Before long, they realize this deadly entity has now targeted each of them, and they are confronted with the impossible challenge of defeating it and saving their own lives. In the end, what survives, and is presented here, is the disturbing footage that Patrick and his team shot, footage that if seen by others, likely endangers the viewer, marking them as the next victim of this powerful and evil force. Be careful what you chase - you just might end up catching it.

Chasing the Devil (2014) Reviews

  • Original found footage about possession


    A young man hooks up with a team of paranormal investigators to find out what happened to his sister, who he believes was killed and did not in fact commit suicide. Clues lead him to the home of a young teen who seems to be succumbing to the same fate as his sister. This one is riding on the wave of the recent trend of low budget found footage but is a refreshingly interesting entry about possession. The effects are very well done. Some of the acting is a little over the top at times but it is ultimately scary with a lot of freaky scenes, decent gore, and awesome kills. Recommended to fans of possession or found footage fans, it is very entertaining. 7.5/10.

  • One of better found footages.


    I only heard of this movie, seconds before I watched it, I had no idea what the plot of the movie was and I did not see the trailer. The end result , I felt a little creep-ed out at the end of the movie, it's another one of those found footage movies. I really enjoyed, it dose really make you want to jump or anything but he dose want to creep YOU! out, there also some bloody moments in this movie. which I also really enjoyed. In some scenes, its actually tell you not to watch the rest of the movie, so the evil force in the movie, won't find YOU!. (Oh no, I just broke the rule of the movie). The lead actor did seem a bit wooden at the start of the movie but he got better as the movie went one, it didn't he really bother me and rest of actor was decent and watch able. I found the movie flowed really well, it dose not drag at all and I didn't find the movie boring at all. 7 out of 10 I thought this movie was really good, I had fun watching.

  • Abject. Don't even bother pressing 'play'....


    In a genre which has hashed out some bilge, Chasing the Devil manages to hit a true low. I don't know who has written some of the other reviews here but one suspects they are involved in the film or they watched a totally different film. The acting is beyond lame, it is shockingly pathetic, the dialogue is hideously contrived, the cinematography uninspiring and insipid. For a horror film, there isn't even a genuine scare let alone a moment of mild unease. I've done scarier farts. The premise is also silly. The only benefit of the film is that it shows what a load of clueless charlatans these so called 'paranormal investigators' are which sadly probably wasn't the intention of the film; however I now know to avoid any future garbage those responsible for this utter mess. No more please...To the makers and 'actors' this is not your metier. Go dig holes instead....

  • Don't Believe The Fake Reviews


    Unfortunately, I did. This movie should have been straight to youtube, not even DVD. It's that bad. I'll give you a few examples and you decide. First few minutes into the movie, the paranormal investigators enter the haunted house and soon blood starts dripping on the walls. Our characters look at it as if it is something people see on a daily basis. That moment I understood how bad this movie was going to be. Most situations the characters encounter are not realistic at all, making the movie look like ridiculous rather than scary. The movie keeps giving you the message "If you watch this footage you will die" becomes very annoying because it is not subtle. The characters keep saying this to the camera for about three or four times assuming we all are a bunch of idiots. Nobody in their right mind would go down to a pitch black basement alone, just five minutes after one of their friends gauge their own eyeballs right in front of them. I could go on and on but you get the point. If you want to waste your time on a flick that feels like a high school acting project, then by all means go for it.

  • Called every "twist"


    Predictable and silly, this badly acted found footage foray feels like it was thought up by people drinking beer on a back porch and then shot over a weekend. There's a vaguely organized demonology mythos that borrows from a raft of movies with a nod toward Christian theology that doesn't exactly follow church doctrine. It even has a 1950s matinee gimmick ending, which will leave you feeling SPOOKY! Or not. Mostly likely not.

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