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Catch a Christmas Star (2013)

Catch a Christmas Star (2013)

Shannon ElizabethSteve ByersJulia LalondeKyle Breitkopf
John Bradshaw


Catch a Christmas Star (2013) is a English,French movie. John Bradshaw has directed this movie. Shannon Elizabeth,Steve Byers,Julia Lalonde,Kyle Breitkopf are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. Catch a Christmas Star (2013) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Family,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Nikki Crandon is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet. Whether she's singing the National Anthem or promoting her latest album, everyone knows who she is-none more so than New Jersey high school basketball coach and widower Chris Mitchell, who was Nikki's first love in high school. When Chris' 10-year-old daughter Sophie finds out her dad still has feelings for the singer, she takes matters into her own hands. With her 8-year-old brother Jackson in tow, Sophie succeeds in reuniting the two. But when a misunderstanding and the growing glare of the public spotlight threaten Chris and Nikki's happiness, one can only wonder: will fame get in the way of a Merry Christmas?

Catch a Christmas Star (2013) Reviews

  • Always look for this one...


    Yes everything about this movie is predictable, but so is every Hallmark movie. I miss Hallmark's regular scheduled late at night program during the holidays and I don't care for most of the Christmas movies, but this one is one of my favorites. There's just something about it. From the second the movie starts, Chris and his kids are people you want to be happy. You can tell he's a great dad who doesn't have much happiness in his life since his wife died. Even Shannon Elizabeth's character Nikki is someone you want good things for. There's just something about reconnecting with your high school sweetheart. This doesn't have many good reviews on IMDb but I think it's great.

  • Wholesome and Innocent, Made-for-TV Movie


    These days so many movies are filled with sex, foul language, and revenge filled plots. It is refreshing to see a movie directed toward family values. Main characters, Shannon Elizabeth's and Steve Byers' on set chemistry was good and realistic. They give viewers a small glimpse into the downside of being famous. Byers' on screen children played by Julia Lalonde and Kyle Harrison Breitkopf were good little actors in their portrayal of today's youth. Many children are wise beyond their years and flip lip. All and all, I enjoyed it! The only negative parts were, of course, the record producer's acting, which was "really bad" and the ending. It included Byers' going out on stage professing his love, little unrealistic. At a real concert, he would have never made it passed security. The writers should have improved on that scene. Also, I loved the assistant. His facial expressions and comedic antics were to die for!

  • A TV Movie that reaches into Heart and Soul at Christmas


    The movie was a warm and heart felt movie. The fact that children of a single parent care enough about their parents happiness in a true statement in day to day living. We may all want to think differently about that but children sense and know when a parent is missing something and they are also missing things during those times. As for the acting when watching Shannon Elizabeth and Steve Byers they both transmitted their feelings and passion across the screen to where my family could actually feel the pain and joy that they shared. Julia Lalonde may have shown characteristics of an older child but again children can amaze you with their inner thinking. As for Zach Werner I remember him from Canadian Idol and his personality then and now came across the same. Not sure if he has a soft side to his personality but in the part he played he did come across hard as some people in the music industry may be. Overall this movie is one that I would watch over and over and the music in this movie was fantastic.

  • Not good


    I had no idea who Shannon Elizabeth was. As I watched this movie, she was so full of herself and her acting was so "self aware" ( like a smiling in the mirror all the time effect) that I looked her up. I have never seen her in anything else.The main Dad's daughter was a little brat to me where they thought they wrote her part as a cute kid helping her Dad find love, the actress overplayed it and was obnoxious. I did not find her cute and sweet trying to set up her Dad with "Nicki" the rock star old high school girlfriend. Ugh. Nicki makes speeches about fame, the paparazzi and her life as a famous person and it is so cringe-worthy. All the scenes where she is a big famous person felt so fake and cheesy. The Dad and her do not any chemistry either. The other bit actors felt like they got hired from local theater or were extras. The actor who played the Dad was not bad. I have never seen him again either. I watch lots of Hallmark not so great Holiday movies, but this one was below even that standard.

  • Not bad for Hallmark


    OK, so my Hallmark ratings have their own scale. Below 5 means I didn't finish it. I think 8 is the highest I've given one. Yes, the 12 year old daughter is unrealistically wise for her age. I guess the writers don't have kids. It looks like Shannon was actually doing her own singing. I thought her acting was actually pretty good. And, she is more beautiful than ever. Yes, it has an ending, pretty much like all of the other Hallmark movies.

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