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Casual Encounters (2016)

Casual Encounters (2016)

Taran KillamBrooklyn DeckerDavid KrumholtzMark Boone Junior
Zackary Adler


Casual Encounters (2016) is a English movie. Zackary Adler has directed this movie. Taran Killam,Brooklyn Decker,David Krumholtz,Mark Boone Junior are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Casual Encounters (2016) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

When Justin's girlfriend of 5 years leaves him heartbroken and embarrassed after a public breakup, his trying to be helpful but somewhat misguided friends talk him into the strange world of on-line dating.

Casual Encounters (2016) Reviews

  • Barely watchable


    This is one of those movies you will see at 3pm on cable. It's predictable af and we've seen this type of romcom 1000 times over To be fair there were 1 or 2 laughs in the first third of the movie but than it falls flat on it's face with cliche's. The acting was bad but the directing was terrible, the color scheme was wrong for a romcom and the movie just looked like crap. If you have nothing better to do and the movie is on TV you might leave it play while you are browsing on your phone.

  • Not dating. Experiencing


    Justin (Taran Killam) gets publicly dumped and humiliated by his now ex-girlfriend Sarah (Aimee-Lynn Chadwick). His workmates help him out with an Internet date called "Casual Encounters." He works for Cal Telcom, pronounce Telecom. Justin has the proverbial female office mate (Brooklyn Decker) that has an interest in him....Internet dates show up in real life etc. formula, barf writing. We know how this turns out 5 minutes into the film. The predictability factor was extremely high, Justin's sad sack character was not likable. Not worthy of a date night film. Guide: F-word, sex, nudity.

  • i'm not here to summarize the movie, only review it


    It said i would be blacklisted if i gave away the movie. so i promise i won't even talk about it..... So there i was sitting at the keyboard and knowing i couldn't actually talk about the movie while reviewing it was kind of an exciting moment...... so i relate to the characters, because, well, i just broke up with my that a give away? maybe i should just stop here.....jeez. i really liked it, the movie, not my relationship, i was a bit tentative when i started watching this movie....because I was worried I would see my new ex in all of the ladies...and I kinda did....but it made it fun....sort of.... I found myself laughing out loud, by myself, alone, just me.....oh god, maybe I should call I found myself at peace with everything, while it was on, and I'm okay with that for now. It was a pleasure to watch, and enjoy, and to HAVE to laugh when i might not feel like it, is SO good for me.....I didn't even know I needed to, but I feel oddly better after watching it. OK, maybe I should leave my number here, I am not into ya know, "blumpkin" either., in case you were thinking I was....I promise.....god, is that a give away.....never mind, I didn't mean it....I should go.....but I feel I will miss my new friends in this movie......its that good. I can finally relate... That's all i dare say.....oh, and David Arquette has a bad rap, no he doesn't, but i must say, as much as he might deserve the rap, he does have star power. Is that a thing? Sounds the movie.....he pulls it off, whatever they were going for, and even though I think most of his character's role got put on the floor, as in cutting room.....because the dude is barely in it, he is, but you don't have to dislike that he is, get over yourself. If you are hater's, you can put away your hate shooters.....he does good, for the movie.....that's all I will say. My first review...WOW, I finally did it, after, what 10 years....its been building up I there ya have it. thanks for reading. I'm sorry if I didn't refer to the movie that much, I thought I shouldn't actually refer to it at all out of fear, the IMDb police might come a knocking.....Casual Encounter's is a stand alone work of cinema, fun fiction if you will. That I give it a thumb up. (or should i say two thumbs? I almost used a penis reference instead of my thumb, but didn't want to offend anyone. Or have you thinking it was small. Like a thumb, kinda by itself, without the other fingers next to it. Anyway, so I left it out {the reference, not my penis, really}.....shoot, I'm rambling...OK, i'm leaving now.) P.S. They are pretty average thumbs i guess, as for, ya know, how thumbs go....after all. OK, I'm depressed again.....I wonder if I should consider thumb surgery? Now that's a scary thought. Anyway, the movie is good. Feel free to enjoy it. In fact maybe I will watch it again. So I don't have to be alone right now. OK, so, goodbye I guess, or whatever. Carry on. Maybe I shouldn't review anything else for awhile...or see if anyone like's my review?

  • Blah


    I don't know if I've actually had a one night stand; perhaps in my drug addict/alcoholic days but those days are mainly a blur; especially today since they happened 20 +/- years ago. The good old days one can't remember. Anyway...there's a lot of that going on here. It opens up that way. Justin Davis (Taran Killam) forgot his anniversary with his girlfriend. What's up with girls and anniversaries? Some guys (like me) don't even remember their own birthdays. I've forgotten my own birthday many a time, and you know what? Who cares. I don't. Anyway...Justin's girlfriend is upset so she goes to a bar, gets drunk and hooks up in a one night stand with another guy or guys (I don't remember) then broadcasts it on Justin's favorite radio program, I guess, as payback. They break up, of course. Justin's a relationship guy. So, when he goes to a 'casual encounter' website he doesn't seem to understand what that means; even though his friends and co-workers attempt to explain it to him. He also doesn't understand people putting fake pictures up or lying about who they are. He just doesn't get it. He also seems to be easily manipulated. He's either incredibly whimpy, or just a loser. Or stretching it a bit: both. Personally, I think he's a loser. He spends the evening with his co-worker Laura Leonard (Brooklyn Decker), who, yes, is incredibly drunk (and beautiful), but still has a conversation with Justin where you could see potential but after he drops her off he goes and has a 'casual encounter'. But after his hook-up, he then considers Laura. His co-workers talk him out of going after Laura (though from the beginning of the film you can tell Laura is into Justin) so he hooks up with a different girl. Frankly, I don't see them two as a match. He's not only a loser, in my opinion, but he's a nervous bumbling idiot. Not that he's stupid but that he does stupid things as an idiot would. This film ended for me 50 minutes in (I did watch the whole film; I just didn't care after 50 minutes in) and I never really believed the Justin character. Not that people like him don't exist; just in conjunction with this film and Laura's character. The film itself wasn't awful but the premise of it was. As a comedy, there were humorous scenes but none of them made me laugh out loud, as a comedy that's not good especially with the comedic talent in this film. Overall, it's mildly okay but it just sucks, especially the ending. I mean, Laura catches Justin with one of his encounters an hour in, and he has to make everything right in 15 minutes -- you know? before the film ends because if you minus out the credits, he only has 15 minutes to do it. In movie time, with the right kind of editing, you can stretch that for years but that's not this kind of movie. It's a mildly okay film that regretfully sucks because of poor writing and direction. Whatever, I won't even remember it tomorrow.

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