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Baby Geniuses (1999)

Kathleen TurnerChristopher LloydKim CattrallPeter MacNicol
Bob Clark


Baby Geniuses (1999) is a English movie. Bob Clark has directed this movie. Kathleen Turner,Christopher Lloyd,Kim Cattrall,Peter MacNicol are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1999. Baby Geniuses (1999) is considered one of the best Comedy,Crime,Family,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

BabyCo is the world's leading manufacturer in baby products. However, what the public doesn't know, is that Dr Kinder and Dr Heep, two of its most brilliant scientists, are tirelessly working in complete secrecy to crack the indecipherable code to "baby talk": a highly sophisticated language, and the key to the secrets of the universe. But, before long, problems arise when mischievous Sly, the smartest of the toddlers, escapes confinement, bent on uniting all babies to help free the ones trapped in the laboratory. Now, Dr. Kinder and Dr. Heep must find Sly before it is too late. But, can they outsmart the baby geniuses?

Baby Geniuses (1999) Reviews

  • Kid proxy vote


    First of all, let me just say that these comments are via my 7 year old son who didn't appreciate the fact that Baby Geniuses was on the list of the 100 worst movies -- and he figured that the vote tally was largely a reflection of adults who just didn't get it! According to him, Baby Geniuses is funny and he likes funny stuff. So it's one of his favorite movies. It's a good story.

  • All I can say is WOW!!


    This movie changed my life. Right up there with American Psycho! There is so much symbolism in this movie I had to watch it thrice just understand it fully! When the one baby said "Don't have a cow Basil" I thought wow, a reference to The Last Temptation of Christ" Humor, intense plot, this babies got it all! All I can say is WOW! If you like intense psychological thrillers than this movie is for you! The switching of the twins was a total plot twist! I had no idea that would happen! I even found myself mistaking the two Sly and Whit! Christopher Llyods best performance since the powerful Angels in the Outfield! Kathleen Turner delivers a moving and convincing performance as a tough woman trying to succeed in a mans world. You go girl!

  • An Under-rated Great Family Movie.


    Wow what an excellent movie!. I could not believe why it has been extremely under-rated. It is so amusing,funny and witty. Critics are sometimes narrow-minded and unfair in their reviews. Most kids all over the world will enjoy watching a fantastic comedy movie with superb action and great cinematography. Plot of Baby Geniuses: Two scientists, Dr. Elena Kinder (Kathleen Turner) and Dr. Heep (Christopher Lloyd), use genius-baby studies to fund BabyCo's theme park "Joyworld". According Dr. Kinder's Research, babies are supposed to possess vast, universal knowledge and speak a secret yet impossible-to-translate baby prelanguage called "Babytalk". At age two, however, the knowledge and language are lost as the babies "cross over" by learning how to talk. Most of the babies that were raised in Dr. Kinder's vast, underground research facility were adopted from the Pasadena orphanage, transformed into geniuses through use of the Kinder Method, and then used in experiments to decipher the language used by the baby-geniuses. One mischievous toddler, Sylvester (AKA Sly), makes repeated attempts to escape Dr. Kinder's research facility and one night, Sylvester goes into a dirty diaper truck and he actually succeeds. The next morning, one things Sylvester does not expect is to run into his twin, Whit, in a mall playground. Although Sylvester and Whit share a telepathic bond, they have no idea of each other's existence. While the guards from Dr. Kinder's research facility capture Whit, mistake him for Sylvester, and take him back to Dr. Kinder's research facility, Sylvester is taken home by Whit's adopted mother, Robin (Kim Cattrall), who is Dr. Kinder's niece. After Dr. Kinder is horrified that Whit and Sylvester switched at the mall, she decides to do a cross evaluation on Sylvester and Whit. However, when she comes to Dan Bobbin's place, she realizes that Dan Bobbin can understand babies. After the attempts to retrieve Sylvester fail, Dr. Kinder decides to move the research facility to Lichtenstein, so that they can transform Whit into becoming a genius thanks to him getting bred by the Kinder Method (thus erasing his memories about his foster parents, foster brothers and foster sisters) and use him as an experiment to crack the code to "Babytalk". The babies at Bobbin's place hypnotize Lenny (Dom DeLuise), the bus driver to drive to Dr. Kinder's research facility. Once at the research facility, Sylvester goes to the control room to set the robots from the theme park on the lab scientists. When the Bobbins return home, their natural daughter Carrie tells her father that the children are in Dr. Kinder's research facility. At the end of the fight Dr. Kinder captures Whit and takes him to the helicopter pad on the roof. Robin and Dan chase them to the roof, where Dr. Kinder reveals that she and Robin are not related, and that Robin was adopted at age two. After Dr. Kinder got arrested by the police, Sylvester and Whit come together on the roof to cross over. Dan and Robin adopt Sylvester. Dan is still curious of the secrets of life, but as the twins have crossed over they no longer know those secrets. Carrie, their sister, doesn't reveal anything (just gives her dad a sly smile) because adults aren't meant to know their secrets. Buy This DVD!. It is GREAT!

  • Excellent little silly comedy


    I find this movie funny. Maybe not side splitting, laugh out loud funny but it has a story and it has some good ideas and will tickle you a bit. I don't agree that it is the worst movie of any year as some have said. You have to watch it for what it is. It is simply a little story held together with some nice performances by some kids who probably did not know what they were doing most of the time. I expect it took a lot of editing time to make this happen with the right expressions and timing by the kids. The story holds together, although there is some fantasy in it and at least one hard to believe plot point. I have watched it twice. Once, some years ago and I accidentally watched it again tonight. I thought it was something else (a documentary on smart babies) And I made it all the way through, both times. I don't always make it through movies with no story or bad acting. But this has a good cast, including the twin baby leads (played by triplets), some good lines and it holds together. How bad could it be. There was a sequel and that means that it did make some money and there was some thought by someone that it would make more with the sequel. So take it for what it is. A cutesy little movie with a plot, some evil characters and some fantasy plot points to hold it together and it will be enjoyable. I do not work in the entertainment industry and certainly don't work for any entity connected with the movie but I do think it is not nearly as bad as most here say. Maybe they were embarrassed in some way and were afraid to admit liking it. Whatever! Just see it and judge for yourself. I think you will be pleased at the time spent. miKe

  • What film was created for...


    For those not initiated in the BG Fanclub, Baby Geniuses is one of the best movies ever filmed since the invention of motion pictures. Shunned by certain members of the Academy in 1999, Baby Geniuses failed to be nominated for any Oscars due to too many dried up, haggard, pro-choice members who were terrified of the children in this film. Otherwise, this movie would have been awarded the highest honors for its superb acting, special effects, direction, and choreography. "Puttin' on the Ritz" anyone? One day, like Citizen Kane, this movie will be respected for the absolute genius it is and take its place as best movie ever. Suck on that, Ebert.

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