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A Lot Like Love (2005)

A Lot Like Love (2005)

LANGEnglish,American Sign Language
Ashton KutcherAmanda PeetTaryn ManningAimee Garcia
Nigel Cole


A Lot Like Love (2005) is a English,American Sign Language movie. Nigel Cole has directed this movie. Ashton Kutcher,Amanda Peet,Taryn Manning,Aimee Garcia are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. A Lot Like Love (2005) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together. Over the next seven years, however, they are reunited time and time again, they go from being acquaintances to close friends to ... lovers?

A Lot Like Love (2005) Reviews

  • Reel Love: a Lot Like Real Life


    Perhaps this film won't inspire the twenty-something folks at whom it was marketed. They might not appreciate its message, after all, when you're young, life stretches out before you like an eternity. But if you're over 30 and haven't found that perfect person to share your life with, it might really touch you... This is the most romantic movie I have seen in years. As a regular armchair film critic who happens to love romantic comedies but finds the quality of most to be sorely lacking, I usually start to gnaw away at a film within the first five minutes. But A Lot Like Love immediately embarks on a tortuous journey of love's most confounding mileposts. The fireworks, the mystery, the seduction, the retreat... A guy who wants to get "all his ducks in a line," and a gal who deals with whatever happens to come her way, help each other loosen up their respective rigid perspectives on how life should be lived. The chemistry between Oliver and Emily percolates over a span of nearly seven years but neither lets it come to a full boil lest it ruin their plans. Kutcher and Peet each deliver endearing performances and actually play against the urge to gratuitously combust making for just the right emotional veracity and sexual tension to keep it real. No "just add water" instant love here. These two take their time to fall into the soup. This film is certainly easy to look at what with the hip modern beauty of both of its stars decorating every shot. The fly-on-the-wall perspective of watching these two people awkwardly and trepidaciously flirt with what might be, kept my attention rapt, and experiencing it in the moment, I can honestly say that I did not know what was going to happen next. If anyone has ever had that "friend" that you've know for years, you know you have feelings for them, appreciate their loyalty, and take their bad with their good (because after all, you're "just friends"), but have spent years keeping an eye out for something better, or just not taken that "next step" because of geography, peer-pressure, or fear of rejection, you will appreciate the honesty and sentiment of this story. You'll definitely get a refresher course in the fact that life is indeed short and a lot can happen when you're not paying attention. Enjoy every moment you can, and take some risks or you'll be looking back on an awful lot of regret. A Lot Like Love is funny and sad, playful and poignant, and was over before I wanted it to be. For me, this movie is a lot like life.

  • Good movie for those that enjoy passion


    Probably the best romantic comedy my wife and I have seen in twenty years. Although we have always been a fan of Ashton Kutcher, this movie separates from his previous achievements. His chemistry with Amanda Peete is more believable than any other actress he has performed with. You actually fall into to the story as someone you might have known in life, whether it was a friend or someone that remains in your thoughts from years past. To knick-pick the movie on plot or commercialization is to miss the writers passion for what he/she is trying to convey. Take the movie for what it is at face value and that is to travel through their relationship in all the what-if's, all the heart breaks and joys. If you let yourself do that you will enjoy a great story with someone you at one time shared the same passion with. -Curt & Tam

  • Great movie - funny, romantic and poignant


    From the majority of other comments written about this film, it would seem that there are a lot of bitter, cynical people out there. I watched this film last night with my wife and we both loved it - we laughed a lot, and thought the 2 main characters perfectly complimented each other - their chemistry was wonderful and utterly endearing, and you actually gave a sh*t about what happened to them. Maybe I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy, but I'm astounded by the negative comments posted on this site. Some posts criticise the dialogue, but, well, isn't that just how people actually speak? I generally do not give out lengthy monologues re: my emotional state, and can appreciate a movie that deals in real language. It doesn't make the film any less appealing or worthwhile. Go and see it with an open mind and, if you have a heart, then you'll love it.

  • Light romantic comedy, but...


    Gosh darn it, I liked it. Did I think it was a cinematic masterpiece - definitely not, but who really expected that anyway? What we have here is a cutesy formulaic light romantic comedy. I laughed and walked out with a smile. Will I remember it in a year, probably not, but thats OK. I'd also like to comment on a post I read here, where the writer was 'distressed' by the characters in this film displaying VERY antiquated and unhip desires - like, dare I say it... wanting to secure a successful career, find love, and get married by age 30. Wow, can you imagine people nowadays feeling that way?! I personally find it 'distressing' to think that we live in a society where having traditional desires is made to be odd. I'm in my 20s and know many other people who are looking for these same things. So go figure, I actually found this perspective in a modern film refreshing.

  • what can i say, i liked this movie.


    A lot like love deals with issues in real life. There are many people out there who feel pressured with the "master plan" of having a career, a wife/ husband by the age of 30. The movie is well acted by Amanda Peet not to mention she looks stunning, and though Ashton Kutcher does overact some scenes he delivers a believable character. The problem with the movie was that you don't have enough time to really bond with the characters, and even though this isn't an amazing movie, it is still a good movie and i enjoyed it. The songs in the movie really did help with the mood. This movie did have much more potential but the writing wasn't as good as it could have been. My opinion is this movie is more for romantics, but its still good for the other people too.

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