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A Christmas to Remember (2015)

A Christmas to Remember (2015)

Robin GivensDarrin Dewitt HensonBrittney LevelRoyce Munn
Henderson Maddox


A Christmas to Remember (2015) is a English movie. Henderson Maddox has directed this movie. Robin Givens,Darrin Dewitt Henson,Brittney Level,Royce Munn are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. A Christmas to Remember (2015) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Family movie in India and around the world.

Lauren Ford comes home from college for the holidays to find her mother, Mary Ford, in love. The problem is she has fallen for the next door neighbor Mr. Joseph Shepard. For years the Ford's and the Shepard's have hated each other. The wives fought, the husbands fought, and the kids fought. Everyone spent years hating each other except for the babies of each family. Reid Shepard and Lauren were too young to understand the quarrel so it did not effect them. They both are now faced with the challenged to get all of their siblings home for Christmas so that their parents can deliver the news. After they stretch the truth they get everyone home. T Both Mary and Joseph are convinced that there is no way their relationship can work, but Laruen and Reid think otherwise. Making their siblings feel guilty and selfish. They get everyone to buy in to fake it for the sake of the holidays and their parents. The following day while the men are out tree hunting and the women are in the kitchen ...

A Christmas to Remember (2015) Reviews

  • What have I just watched??


    Ab.solutely.SHOCKING! What's even worse is that I watched it until the end lol! Think it was because I couldn't believe Robin Givens had stooped so low as to be in a ZERO budget movie and I had to keep watching to see if she was really in it! Well she did and she was but sadly even that 5 minute cameo didn't add to it! I wouldn't advise someone not to watch a film but if you like a cheesy Christmas film with snow, a jolly looking Santa, loads of decorations and no sex talk or swearing then maybe this isn't for you.

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