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I Know Who Killed Me (2007)

I Know Who Killed Me (2007)

Lindsay LohanJulia OrmondNeal McDonoughBonnie Aarons
Chris Sivertson


I Know Who Killed Me (2007) is a English movie. Chris Sivertson has directed this movie. Lindsay Lohan,Julia Ormond,Neal McDonough,Bonnie Aarons are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. I Know Who Killed Me (2007) is considered one of the best Crime,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Aubrey Fleming is a regular high school student with friends and family. One night, she unexpectedly disappears. Two weeks later she is found unconscious in the middle of the woods. When spoken to, her loved ones realize she has forgotten her identity and the personality living in her body is Dakota Moss, a character that Aubrey created in one of her stories for an English assignment. Dakota denies ever being Aubrey knowing that they look identical. Now, Dakota must try to unravel the mystery of how her and Aubrey co-exist and find out who abducted Aubrey that night.

I Know Who Killed Me (2007) Reviews

  • "BarbWire was better than this"


    That's right, my girlfriend turned to me in the movie and said, "I think BarbWire was better than this." Her opinion and mine seemed to carry through to the whole audience in the advance screening we went to last night. The audience was laughing at the horrible acting, terrible script and crap camera work. Specifics: Lohan works in a strip club where women are topless, yet she never takes the top off and even in sheer bra has pasties on (or were the pasties on top of the bra?). I could care less about seeing her naked, but if you are playing a stripper you might have to at least imply nudity with well placed hands. Someone decided to inject humor into the movie into the most awkward places. The biggest problem was trying to figure out why people were laughing more during the "serious parts" than the "funny parts". Characters come in, spout some wisdom and disappear behind a rock like the Dungeon Master. I have a feeling that they are supposed to be angels, maybe God himself? The twists in the movie are tough to swallow. I will not even come close to ruining them, they are not even worth ruining. Someone thought they could write a M. Knight script, but failed. Overall, this movie would be worth a rental from the dollar kiosk at the grocery store, as long as everything else is sold out. I am glad I got in for free. If you do decide to spend money to see this movie, send me the cash instead, I will then hit you in the groin, you will enjoy it more.

  • I'm so sorry I went


    Look, I have a strong stomach, but I have no use for Torture Porn in my entertainment. A few weeks ago, I saw a preview of this film that gave no indication of it's true nature. This, plus the intriguing poster led me to believe this was going to be a brooding drama in the Hitchcock tradition. Instead, I found myself watching the ugliest, most disgusting film I have ever attended of my own free will. I should have guessed when the cashier gave me a funny look while getting my ticket. The first thing I realized was the script was by an amateur. The scenes and dialog jumping around with no thought or subtlety. Like other reviewers, I knew who the torturing villain was within the first few minutes. But, I still had to sit through several scenes of dismemberment and pain, which made me sick. Sick that I had spent money to watch this disaster. I can't imagine why Lindsay Lohan would agree to be in this production. There are other venues to stretch her acting talents. Neal McDonough and Julia Ormond's rent must have been due. The story, such as it is has at it's core an interesting premise. A top director might have made a respectable film out of it with a total rewrite, without the gore and more atmosphere. This movie is an absolute, total disaster. No one involved has anything to be proud of.

  • Oh God


    I went into this movie with a friend thinking it would be a cheesy, fun horror movie - just a good way to pass the time on a rainy day. Oh god, was I wrong. It's as if the director spent the film's entire budget acquiring Lindsay Lohan and disregarded everything else. EVERYTHING within this film is bad - the scary parts aren't scary (or even remotely suspenseful), the dialogue is awful, the acting is questionable at best, and, I am very sorry to say that Lindsay Lohan's stripping/ sex scenes were not sexy at all. On top of everything else, the killer was obvious and the plot didn't even make a whole lot of sense. Even the quality of film used is inferior to the type normally used (yes, you can tell). Some films are so bad they're good. This film was just SO BAD. Don't wait for the DVD. Just don't watch it.

  • Please read this review, it is the truth.!


    My friend bought me this film because he knows I have a thing for Lindsay Lohan, so on the day of my birthday we sat down and watched I know who killed me, after reading the bad reviews i wasn't expecting much. This is the worst film i have seen in my life, don't watch this film ever, ever. Im not joking, we sat and laughed through the film and couldn't believe someone had made this film with the intention to make money, i honestly felt sick after watching the film, i am not even going to describe any scenes/plots i didn't like because i would just give you the film. I cannot believe how many good reviews there were on here, it makes me physically ill to think any one liked this joke of a film!!!

  • Hilariously Bad


    My friend won tickets to a pre release showing of this movie in Boston. I went into the theater with absolutely no idea what it would be about and with no preconceived notions. I left the theater feeling confused and thankful that I hadn't actually paid to see it. This film takes every thriller movie cliché in the book and slathers it on ad nauseam. I'm not opposed to a good cliché thriller movie, but at some point it becomes comical. The plot was extremely contrived and had enough holes to fill the Royal Albert Hall. Perhaps the scenes explaining the plot ended up on the cutting room floor in favor of some of the more grotesque and gratuitous gore scenes (of which there were plenty). The film's twist, one so ludicrous even the most die-hard Lohan films will giggle, is pulled directly from left field after a seemingly magical epiphany by the film's main character. The filmmakers thrown in a plethora of minor characters with undeveloped and unresolved story lines in an attempt to "throw off" the audience. Nevertheless, not ten minutes into the film, I, along with the others I was with, had successfully predicted the antagonist. The final thirty minutes of the film was a non-stop laugh riot. The packed theater of varying demographics was rolling in the aisles as cliché after hackneyed cliché flew off the screen in rapid succession to hilarious results. I joked to the person beside me that I hadn't laughed as hard since the first time I saw "Borat". Stylistically, the movie is a film school student's wet dream rife of "artsy" shots and recurring motifs. Unfortunately, for the audience, this does little to redeem from the film's most blaring flaw: it's entire premise. It's difficult to fairly critique the film's actors given what they had to work with. I can say that Lohan's performance seemed rather bland and stale throughout, as though in the back of her mind she knew the movie was trite and looked at it more as a paycheck than a serious mark on her resume. Aside from the occasional, "I almost died laughing when....", I heard scarcely a good comment in the lobby after the film. As a horror-comedy this film might have actually been good, but as a thriller it missed the mark entirely.

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