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Don't Sleep (2017)

Don't Sleep (2017)

Dominic SherwoodCharlbi DeanJill HennessyDrea de Matteo
Rick Bieber


Don't Sleep (2017) is a English movie. Rick Bieber has directed this movie. Dominic Sherwood,Charlbi Dean,Jill Hennessy,Drea de Matteo are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Don't Sleep (2017) is considered one of the best Fantasy,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Shawn and Zach are young lovers who move into a guest house together on an estate owned by Mr. and Mrs. Marino. When bizarre events begin to occur with increasing danger, Zach slowly remembers a forgotten time in his childhood when he suffered from what appeared to be a severe and violent psychosis - memories erased by as series of electroconvulsive shock treatments administered by his psychiatrist. As the terrors surrounding their lives grow to deadly proportions and innocent people are slaughtered, Zach is forced to question his own sanity and fears for Shawn's safety. Once the threat of psychotic behavior turns into the possibility of demonic possession, Zach is confronted with a horrific reality he never could before have imagined

Don't Sleep (2017) Reviews

  • Don't Sleep: Not so much a swing and a miss but a swing a miss and a faceplant in dog poop


    By the end of Don't Sleep I felt bad, the ending was so interesting that I wished that I had enjoyed the film. But I didn't, I simply couldn't. Starring Cary Elwes (Princess Bride, Saw, Top Gun) and Drea De Matteo (Joey, The Sopranos) but both as side characters this supernatural thriller staggers along at a dreadful pace from start to finish. The story a mess, the creation abysmal and yet there was something there something frustratingly beneath the surface but unable to break free. In the hands of a decent writer this could have been something quite watchable but Don't Sleep is far from that in its present form. The Good: Well the ending was certainly interesting Cary Elwes The Bad: Lame/dull leads Dreadful story Things I Learnt From This Movie: I learnt that we had a backup pack of ibuprofen at the back of our cupboard for the headache this 95 minute embarrassment gave me

  • More like, 'Don't Watch' or 'Fell Asleep'.


    Complete Shiite. The music is too loud; poorly mixed. Some good actors, some average actors, and some no name actors- none of which brought any level of interest to this flop of a horror flick. Poor script, poor directing, and sub par acting and special effects. Rick James • Four Thumbs Down • ????????????????????????????????

  • Boring. Also, holy hell Cary Elwes got fat


    Of all the wacky ideas put forth by this movie, its greatest flaw is that it is insufferably boring. It doesn't even try to be original for much of its run time, relying on every Smalltown, USA hot young couple moving to a new house horror movie cliché so blatantly that every single jump scare is laughable. You see everything coming, and they kill the dog, so that's an immediate strike against this film. The main character guy whose name I completely forgot it was so forgettable was apparently demon possessed or something as a child, and had to rely on extreme therapy from a doctor guy and now he's a supposedly well adjusted adult. Except he's a complete and utter asshole and douchebag, which this seems to be unrelated to his demon problems. drifting drearily along this boring slog, a random demon kid in a hoodie appears and... beats up people. that's literally all he does. He beats up an old man so badly the old man starts freaking out and jibbering incoherently, then commits suicide while angrily defying the demon kid who watches him. Then the main character guy gets beat up by the demon kid. Then a whole lot of basically nothing happens, and the main character guy has an irrational freakout at his old doctor on learning that he still contacts his mother to discuss him and his case. He then also starts arbitrarily harassing his girlfriend and acting needlessly paranoid about... nothing in particular. He's just running around screaming and cursing at nobody and nothing while overly dramatic music tries to tie this to the demon kid who beats people up, or maybe he's being re-haunted by the demon, or maybe he is the demon kid. None of this makes any sense, and by the time we reach the end, they throw in a wacky, screwball-esque twist. At some point early in the movie, completely out of nowhere, they bring up a story about a fisherman who went on Crusade in medieval times, and when he came back, his wife killed herself because she was raped repeatedly. That story suddenly comes back as it's revealed the main character guy was that fisherman crusader, and his girlfriend was the wife who got raped, and apparently she got raped by some manner of demon thing that turned her immortal, and she spent the next millennium either waiting for him to be reborn, or trying to find him after he wandered off or something. Then the movie ends, with its end credits overlaid with some incredibly awful romance pop songs after the movie spent about 95% of its run time being the exact opposite of a romantic movie.

  • He'll just lose a little memory. That's all.


    Zach (Dash Williams/Dominic Sherwood) has bad realistic dreams as a child and is uncontrollable. Thirteen years later he is an adult in law school living with Shawn (Charlbi Dean Kriek). His dreams come back and people around him start getting hurt, raped, and killed. Zach has psychological problems, but things happen not related to the illness. The film drops lousy clues. They explain the plot in the last eight minutes, turning it into a WTF production, and not a "see how clever we are" ending. I won't say the ending ruined the film, it wasn't that great to begin with. Where did grandpa get that shiny chain and what did he attach it to? Guide: F-word, sex, rape. No nudity.

  • Horrid, but had so much potential


    This is truly one of those movies that for me could have been freaking awesome. It went in directions that I often WISH horror movies would go it, but sadly the writing and plot jumps were just too much. I remember telling our daughter when she was younger, as she would relay a story about something happening, she would leave out an obvious trigger of some sort (usually one that didn't put her in the best light in the story) and then she would jump to the next part of the story, and I would stop her and tell her there is no way that she did this, and then the other person did that. There was obviously something that happened in between. Well, this movie was made completely and totally without that logic. So many times there is a line like "As a kid I felt there were two sides, this other me that was capable of such evil" and the other person goes "Oh, that's OK" Like it's just totally normal. Truly this movie could have been so much, but instead it was just what it was, a swing and a miss.

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