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Destiny (2014)

Destiny (2014)

Peter DinklageBill NighyLauren CohanBrandon O'Neill
Jason Jones


Destiny (2014) is a English movie. Jason Jones has directed this movie. Peter Dinklage,Bill Nighy,Lauren Cohan,Brandon O'Neill are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Destiny (2014) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

Humanity is on the brink of extinction in the future. An object called The Traveler that possess great knowledge and technology came shortly after the present day and humanity was in their golden age expanding throughout the solar system. The golden age lasted for hundreds of years. Until The Traveler's greatest enemy called The Darkness came to the solar system and wiped out most of humanity. The Traveller has been silent ever since. They built a city under the The Traveler as a last ditch resort to save the human race. The ones who guard the city are called Guardians who possess powers gifted from The Traveler. Many Alien races have come as "minions" of the darkness .and they will stop at nothing. If you fail, humanity will be destroyed.

Destiny (2014) Reviews

  • Addicting game, time consuming... but missions get repetitive


    I will give Destiny an 7.5/10... Here's why: As far as 500 million dollars is concerned, idk what Bungie even did with all of it. The only thing I can see is putting money into making it available across all major consoles. Other than that, this is a complete waste of money. The soundtrack is amazing; which is something I always have to give Bungie credit for. Halo's soundtrack was unbelievable and this is still quite impressive. But other than making the game look nice on the newer consoles and the soundtrack, things will get old after playing Destiny for awhile. Peter Dinklage voices your little robot buddy, Ghost, and I have gotta say his voice-overs are cringe-worthy sometimes. His lack of emotion and monotone delivery makes me wanna mute the game sometimes. I have heard that Bungie wanted him to sound that way on purpose... but regardless it takes away from the game. Basically Destiny incorporates every game imaginable. It touches on Borderlands, Halo, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Star Wars, Mass Effect, and pretty much any game you can think of. This is what I love about the game. As far as a storyline goes, there really isn't one except the fact that our galaxy becomes taken over by enemies known as The Fallen, The Hive, Vex, and a few others that are spread across Earth, the Moon, Venus, Mars (and dlc rumors to have Jupiter or Mercury as of typing this). Your job is to go around wrecking your way through enemies to destroy gigantic evil beasts and shrines and other things. So you basically go through the storyline to rank up til you're level 20. Once you are level 20 you must find, earn, and equip armor that has 'light' in it to get to higher levels; the more light you acquire the higher level you get. There are 5 different types of armor for your head, arms, and feet: common (white), uncommon (green), rare (blue), legendary (purple), and Exotic (yellow/gold). Exotic is the hardest to get (I somehow managed to get my hands on some exotic gauntlets but I was extremely lucky). You also can acquire what is known as Class Armor which is basically a band you wear around your arm indicating you are a part of 1 of 4 clans: Vanguard (default), New Monarchy, Dead Orbit, and one other I can't remember. You pick which you want and xp, and crucible marks are banked there so you can purchase better weapons and armor (such as legendary). There is multiplayer known as The Crucible. You get a deathmatch, FFA, deathmatch with possible revival and a gametype similar to headquarters on COD but with flags. There is a 5th gametype known as salvage that only is around on particular days. There are three types of character you can be: Titan (bulky and strength oriented), Hunter (fast, knife-wielding), and Warlock (back support and energy). I will say that Crucible is absolutely awful in my opinion. It is extremely Titan-friendly. What is also unfortunate is you need to play multiplayer if you want to rank up at some point. I find this to be, easily, the worst part of Destiny; I won't complain about this too much because you can easily find blogs and comments b****in about this already. I have a feeling Bungie will fix this eventually but as of now expect to get your ass kicked up and down the board. They say it is not level-oriented meaning you have the same chances to kill someone who is level 25 even if you are a 5. This is technically true except as a higher level you have access to better weapons which therefore makes it unfair again. If you want to rank up from 20 you have to play Vanguard strike missions which is basically 1 of 5 missions: Nexus on Venus Summoning Pits on Moon, Valus Ta'aurc on Mars, beating the Archon Priest on Venus, and Devil's Lair on Earth. Archon Priest is the hardest imo followed by Valus Ta'aurc and then Phogon, The Untamed in Summoning Pits. Now these strike missions are required to rank up and earn good weapons. They are usually quite eventful and very hard to do; HOWEVER, they get EXTREMELY old because you have to grind these 5 missions constantly after level 20. This is why I say it is insanely repetitive. There are also collectibles: Gold chests and Reviving Dead Ghosts. There are 60 ghosts to find and 5 gold chests on each planet. These keep you busy if you are an achievement person. You can also join in with other players around the world and you can even be on one mission and cross paths with other people who are on completely separate misses; I find this very cool. You can meet a lot of people doing this. The Tower is basically your 'home' where you go and accept and turn in bounties (side missions you can do), encrypt hidden items, buy weapons, etc.. This is where you can meet a whole lot of people running around which is another way you can meet new people to play with. Overall Destiny is a very fun game to play and I'm still quite addicted to it; but be aware that if you hate repetition and grinding this isn't the game for you. EDITED REVIEW: As of now, Bungie has patched multiple things that make it harder to rank up once you reach level 20. This is, in my opinion, completely ruining the game for me. I don't take back what I have said prior to this but I will say that Bungie's continued patches are going to make this game much less fun to play if they continue to hinder the grinding process (which is what the game is supposed to be in the first place). Anyway, hope this helps a little. Keep Gaming!

  • Lazy at Best with a $500 Million Dollar Budget.


    Destiny, it's a first person shooter developed by Bungie the company that made the Critically Acclaimed Series Halo, and Published by Activision the company that pushes games out too early. Well Destiny has a lot of great elements to the Background (which is beyond stunning) and Combat, that feels to the Halo fans. Well With all that said in those, I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MANY CRITICS ARE GIVING THIS ANYTHING ABOVE A 6/10!!! Sorry caught up in the moment, but seriously this game is the most Over-hyped game I've seen in a while, yeah Watch_Dogs, and Titanfall, were over-hyped, but not as much as this, millions were hoping this game would be good, but nope, this game is as bad as (Oh I'm going to get a lot of hate for this) Aliens: Colonial Marines, not because of the AI, or how disappointing the game actually was, but the fact that the Ending, that Ending is a Bullet in the Face to everyone, the fact that this game will continue with BS DLC which will probably cost $20.00 Each if multiples, and everyone gives it slack, but this game draws the line. So The game is short, the Character Creator is limited, and the Loot SUCKS, this game is Lazy. But on the Plus side, the Soundtrack was Beautiful, the best part of the Whole Entire Game was the Soundtrack alone. So. ++ Good Soundtrack + Good Combat + Good Level Designs + Decent Enemies (if they did not Repeat themselves through the entire Game) -- Repetitive Missions Final Score is... 5/10!!! Average!!!, very Disappointing, and way over-Hyped. And one more thing, this was $500 Million WTF!!!, where did it go??

  • Such a disappointment!


    Having been a Halo fan for many years, I was expecting a world filled to the brim with story. A very dark look at the fate of Humanity just managing to cling to life against hordes of aliens. I was expecting my Ghost to guide me through the darkness with witty banter and interesting tales. What we got was a bland run of near identical missions (granted, they do go through some very pretty scenery) with a boring final "boss" mission and a storyline that leaves you wondering what the hell just happened. You never once get the sense of a desperate Humanity fighting tooth and nail for survival, just a boring 10 minute stroll through mission after mission, killing lots of mostly easy enemies which rarely serve up any decent loot from the random drops. At no point was a story developed. The only two cut-scenes that have any kind of story to them in the Reef area cannot be accessed twice, while the other (much less story driven) cut-scenes can be rewatched, but only by going through one of the bland levels again. What could have been an amazing piece of lore was swept under the rug when the Speaker is talking about the Traveler. He should have explained how it saved humanity, but instead he merely recounts about how he COULD tell you about it without explaining anything at all. That kind of frustrating story point is found in every part of the game where the story could be progressed. Peter Dinklage's performance as the Ghost is almost cringe-worthy at times, with the dull monotone that he was apparently instructed to use making the only character companion you have very boring to listen to. This apparent "guide" is purely used as a device to hold you up in an area while having to kill multiple waves of enemies, before moving on slightly to be held up again and kill multiple waves of enemies. The game mechanics never really vary from that pattern. The saving graces of this game are it's gameplay and sound design. If you have played Halo, the guns handle very similarly, while the powers of each of the three classes make you feel amazing as you launch them straight at a group of enemies, disintegrating them all in one go. The music of Destiny is yet another master-piece by (now ex-Bungie) composer Martin O'Donnell and is easily the best feature of the whole game, adding more of an emotional sense to the game than anything in the storyline itself. Overall, Destiny is fun to play with a group of friends when you don't think too much about the story, but if you are looking for the next big sci-fi story in games, look elsewhere.

  • Not a title worth playing in the long run


    Initially the story and graphics of this game are very appealing. The quality of the fighting and the experience using weapons with visuals are indeed fantastic. The basis for a fantastic game is here with strong roots in great gameplay. This being said, it will quickly fall short as a title you'll want to keep playing. The hype that came with this game was so above and beyond what actually is there in story and content that it is a smack in the face for strong regular gamers that play many hours on their games. You see there is no real end goal except collecting guns and armor. The armor has a light (armor) rating that will have you chasing after the best stuff anywhere and everywhere you can find it. In order to do this you'll need to play some of the harder missions. Regardless of your level though you'll find the game will alter enemies to be just a bit stronger than you rendering your actual armor level nearly worthless. You can play a mission over and over again at any level you like and it is pretty much the same challenges with only slight differences in enemies. The mission rewards...terrible. The grind of doing the same missions over and over to upgrade armor and weapons makes this game boring fast. Couple this with the weapon and armor drops being random (regardless of how many times you do it or how well you perform) and you often find you are doing these same missions many many many more times only to get not much of anything. Each DLC released is destined to have you virtually reset to an equal level as others due to the availability of high level armor and weapons released with the new content. You could grind daily for months and when the next DLC releases you might as well be starting over. PVP. Well it can be fun if you are into using a few select weapons that get the job done. Again rewards are virtually none existent, random, and nearly always all but worthless. The plot of the game...not there. You just show up in the game and nowhere do you get any real in game information that amounts to anything understandable or cohesive. It is simply a bunch of aliens attacking various planets...go fight them! Matchmaking with others is not available in many important areas of the game. You have to have friends ready and willing to play the hardest challenges with you and then rely on them all to be on during the same large block of hours, have good weapons, a good connection to even hope to get a majority capable of chatting, and be of sufficient level to hopefully participate. The discussion of strategy is usually pointless because bugs and game glitches will repeatedly sink your "team" progress more than anything else. The "raid" (the hardest and supposedly most rewarding part of the game) is often a nightmare for most players in that people leave out of frustration. The "average" player is simply not likely to have fun here and you must expect all participants to be well armed, ranked up, and highly skilled to get close to having any success. To sum it's pretty, shooting is done well and smooth. The graphics are great. The races and back end thought in setup of planets is fantastic. But ultimately a little kid could just mindlessly get on and blast stuff and have fun for a few hours a week and this is the best use for the game right now. It seems to me to be a beta waiting for the story and vast interactive gaming (with true teams of friends) still needing to be developed. As I've heard said many times "style over substance".

  • Destiny is only the beginning


    Destiny is an incredibly different game and perhaps a hard one to put a finger on, but it's so much fun. Labeled as an OWFPS(Open World First Person Shooter), it has elements of an FPS, MMO, and RPG. Set in a world that combines futuristic themes and fantasy aspects, such as magic throwing Warlocks, chivalrous Titans, and swift Hunters, anyone has the ability to find their place in this world. The game mechanics are incredibly solid. You can feel the weight of your weapon and the power you unleash with the super ability as you reign down on enemies. Destiny has multiple game modes including Story, Patrol, Crucible, Raids, Strikes and more. So anyone should what suits their fancy. Warning: take caution when reading reviews about Destiny. You must understand that this is only the beginning.

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