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Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002)

Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002)

Heidi LenhartChuck WalczakJon SklaroffDarryl Theirse
Gary Jones


Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002) is a English movie. Gary Jones has directed this movie. Heidi Lenhart,Chuck Walczak,Jon Sklaroff,Darryl Theirse are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

After a bank robbery, four criminals escape to Mexico, but a storm causes an accident which takes down the plane where several die in the crash. The criminals take it into their own hands to continue when one survivor is attacked and eaten by a crocodile. The criminals kill it, but from then on the mother Crocodile is on a killing spree with a goal to kill each survivor. But that is not the only worry, because they're trapped within it's world, and if it doesn't kill them, the criminals will.

Same Director

Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002) Reviews

  • Not as bad as you might imagine


    If you are a fan of B-grade monster movies, this one is absolutely watchable, especially Heidi Lenhart. I may not know art, but I know what I like! The plot is stupid, the acting terrible. Continuity and production values are non-existent. The budget appears to have been the change from inside the producers' car-seats. In short, it is everything you would expect from a straight-to-video creature feature. The film succeeds on its own terms. Some reviewers complain about the obviously ersatz crocodile, but I enjoyed this low-budget quickie more than "The Matrix Reloaded" and "Scooby-Doo" combined (two recent CGI-laden Hollywood debacles.) You can catch this on late-night cable as "Crocodile 2: Death Roll."

  • Quite Good


    I give this movie a '7 out of 10' on a 'B' movie scale. It was more entertaining than I expected and contained some twists and turns to the story that kept me watching it without getting bored. There is a good balance between action and character development as well. The special effects are as good as they come for this kind of movie but you won't be so concerned about that because the setting and story will keep you entertained. Acting is good with the main female character doing a great job. The bad guys are also pretty convincing with focus on mainly just two of them. Strangely, I would say this movie is as much about humans as it is about the crocodile.

  • It's entertaining


    Why do we watch movies??? To be entertained. This is a bad movie but I had a blast watching it. A movie can have bad acting,effects,story and more but if it keeps my attention, it works!!! If you aren't looking for the next Academy Award winner and just like to be entertained, this movie will do the job. If you are someone who's just into art and good acting, stay away!!! This is for beer drinking movie night!!!!

  • What Strange Names

    Theo Robertson2003-06-14

    !!!!! SPOILERS !!!!! There`s two things that guarantee you`re going be watching a really bad movie . One is the name Victor Salva appearing in the credits and the other is the movie starting off in a way that seems to go against the movie`s title . Take CROCODILE 2 : DEATH SWAMP , with a title like that you`d expect either a crocodile or a swamp in the opening hook wouldn`t you ? Well you`d be wrong because this film starts with a bank robbery . But it`s not just any bank , no siree , it`s a bank where all the staff and customers are named Motherf***er as in " Hand over he money Motherf***er , on the ground Motherf***er , don`t look at me Motherf***er " . One thing that puzzled me about the robbers - Apart from them knowing everyone was named Motherf***er - was that they had a broad range of accents , but it`s suggested they`re in a band . Or something . Whatever . So the robbers ( And what a great name for a band ) decide to go on tour and hijack a plane which is in extremely poor taste . Before September 11 2001 it was only bad movies that featured people hijacking planes , post 9/11 there`s something offensive about this plot line . Oh and strangely all the passengers and crew in this aircraft are also called Motherf***er . Can someone in the States send me a private message and tell me how common the name Motherf***er is ? because that seems to be the only name the characters in this film are called . After the plane crashes ( Hope I didn`t spoil any plot twists there ) the survivors start getting eaten one by one by a crocodile and guess what its name is ? That`s right it`s called Motherf***er too . You really have to worry about the screenwriters naming every single character - Human or otherwise - with the exact same name . I do have one good thing to say about CROCODILE 2 : DEATH SWAMP and that is Heidi Lenhart looks great in a bikini One Shocking Trivia Point : The crocodile realization in this film was achieved via a combination of CGI and a rubber dummy . I`m sure no one noticed this untill I pointed it out

  • Great Sequel


    I really liked Crocodile (2000) it was good. This sequel is even better. A number of guys, rob a bank and then catch a plane then, there plane get stuck in a storm, where need to land but robbers are have none of if, so they hijacked it, tell them carry on with the flight ,them the plane hit by lighting, the plane crash (which is really badly done) in to the river. Most of the people are still Alive, including all the robber, who get some people as hostage, then one of robber are killed by the Crocdile and they shoot. it dead, not knowing that the mother crocodile was watching the whole thing., she what revenge, for her sons murder and goes on the killing anything that get in her way. This great sequel, action pack from the start, Acting is not that bad in this movie, An there was some really good gory deaths scenes in this movie, which I really liked I going give this movie 7/10

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