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Blood Slaughter Massacre (2013)

Blood Slaughter Massacre (2013)

Matt W. CodyMike RocheByron M. HowardCarmela Hayslett
Manny Serrano


Blood Slaughter Massacre (2013) is a English movie. Manny Serrano has directed this movie. Matt W. Cody,Mike Roche,Byron M. Howard,Carmela Hayslett are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. Blood Slaughter Massacre (2013) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Blood Slaughter Massacre is an homage to 80's slasher movies. It was created in the vein of old slashers, stylized as though the movie had been released in the 80's, alongside the Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees films of the time. Featuring all the components that classic horror fans love, we run the horror gamut; A girl in the woods, a girl in the shower, the babysitter, the girl with her boyfriend, the drunken detective, the inept police department, the creepy old man with a warning, the one character who seems to know too much, and an iconic killer in a mask, The Ripper. Topping it off with an 80's soundtrack, this one will leave you feeling nostalgic.

Blood Slaughter Massacre (2013) Reviews

  • My Review Of "Blood Slaughter Massacre"


    Indie horror is strong and thriving today, thanks in part to the efforts and creativity of low budget Indie directors and the whole horror community, who embrace it. This is very evident in the indie slasher "Blood Slaughter Massacre" by Mass Grave Pictures. The film is a total tribute and celebration of all that was great about late 70's and early 80's slasher flicks that still dominate the horror fans psyche to this day. Directed by Manny Serrano, the film pays homage to those iconic moments within the classic horrors of "Halloween", "Friday The 13th", "Madman" and others, while creating a completely individual cabal of rising evil. In "Blood Slaughter Massacre", Officers Fincher and Cobb are called out to investigate a noise complaint, and what they find is far worse; twenty-four people, murdered in cold blood. The murderer escapes, and the Havenwood Police Department cover it up, inventing a story about an out-of-control fire. Ten years later –now detectives- Fincher and Cobbs, while investigating a girls murder, it looks as though the killer has returned to Havenwood. And this time he has a new diatribe guiding is malicious nature. "Blood Slaughter Massacre" is a bit of a dichotomy in that it does create an elaborate plot which is supported by heavily built characters, and yet a lot of the story unfortunately unravels as the story grows. The robust, affirmative character relations, to the over all plots intent, flows more like a really bad cardiogram than a healthy pulse- pounding saga. That is really the only thing that hinders the film from being the massive indie slasher that is should be. Sometimes when writing a story – less is more. Especially with dialog relationship to the characters. Some moments, when explaining the 'whys and hows' of the connection to the enveloping plot, the lines seem over-indulgent and begin to wear on the story lines continuity. Now, that is the bad. The good things about "Blood Slaughter Massacre"- is the complete tributary nature of the film to classic horror movies. The little nods and moments that highlight a certain film's influence on the writer and director's love of this genre. The total 'I love the 80's' vibe allows for a bit of fun in the films visual appeal. This film, unlike a lot of homage-throwback horrors takes a more serious approach to the slasher genre and I respect that. It gives similar atmosphere to the cult classic days of horror movie making. The soundtrack is thrilling and builds those same chillingly eerie, emotional connections between the story and the viewer. There is blood, blood, and more blood splattered all through this film, which eases the frustrations I had with the psychological aspect of the story that rested on the characters. The killer was a menacing, unstoppable killing machine with a plain. I loved that, that fact that he uses the dark arts as a justification for choosing his victims, hits a sweet spot for me in horror. I love films that utilize black magic in the plot-even slasher films. Even though it sounds like I may not have enjoyed "Blood Slaughter Massacre" – I did. It is a cool low-budget flick, with a serious approach to the genre. It offers a creepy killer, and even though the plot seemed to be more than necessary it still offered a unique spin while still paying tribute to classic horror. The blood, gore and special effects where above standard for this level of Indie production. Most of the kill scenes allowed a face view graphic slaughter-and the pay off was a nice reward for the scene and the viewer. This film is a cool little indie flick that fans of the slasher genre will truly enjoy. As far as over all feeling of the film I am split. I loved everything about this movie except the actual character building story lines and their relationships to one another. Every thing else was top shelf-low budget- indie horror enjoyment.

  • 80's Style Slasher Film with Gratuitous Nudity & Violence


    I attended the world premiere of BSM in Manhattan's Lower East Side on May 19th, 2013. I was thoroughly impressed with the attention to detail to make this film look authentically 80's. Being an avid fan of the horror genre, specifically from that time period, I have to say everything about this film gave me the warm and fuzzies. BSM has everything a top notch 80's slasher should have including an interesting background story which keeps you enthralled in the narrative, a soon-to-be iconic antagonist, "The Ripper Killer", 80's style score and soundtrack, and most importantly tons of gratuitous nudity and violence. The actors all bring their "A" Game with notable performances by Matt W. Cody, Melissa Roth and Carmela Hayslett. Bottom line: If you are a fan of 80's Slasher Flicks than SEE THIS FILM!!!

  • Nice tribute to 80's slasher fare


    A vicious masked maniac known as the Ripper butchers teenagers in the tranquil small town of Havenwood ten years after the hamlet was plagued by a spate of unsolved killings. Director Manny Serrano, who also co-wrote the intricate and absorbing script with Louie Cortes, grounds the compelling premise in a believable everyday reality, maintains a dark serious tone throughout, offers a strong depiction of a sleepy suburbanite community atmosphere, pulls out the nasty stops for several brutal murder set pieces, and even delivers a satisfying smattering of tasty bare distaff skin. Moreover, the filmmakers warrant extra praise for the refreshing and laudable use of funky old school practical gore make-up f/x. Matt W. Cody as harried alcoholic detective James Fincher makes for a sympathetic flawed protagonist. Byron M. Howard likewise impresses as Fincher's hard-nosed partner Walter Cobb. Moreover, the adolescent characters in particular are quite well drawn, with especially sound work from Carmela Hayslett-Grillo as the carefree Carla and Danielle Lenore as sensitive goody goody two shoes Danielle. The competent cinematography makes neat use of the widescreen format. The shivery synthesizer score does the skin-crawling trick. Although slightly marred by occasional slack pacing and a bloated 113 minute running time, it's overall still worth a watch for slice'n'dice fans.

  • Just another modern slasher that let me down with being just passable.


    Independent slasher film that follows the traditions set by the popular franchises in the sub genres heyday. The title is very misleading, there's a lot less blood than I expected, and when talking massacres - this is definitely no Premutos. Instead it's quite a moderate tale following the usual deranged killer in a mask with a penchant for sticking sharp things into the bodies of bare chested teenage girls and their dopey boyfriends, with a fairly insignificant side story about a gung-ho detective with a variety of personal issues. The acting is not too bad, especially in comparison to the majority of films of this ilk. A handful of moderately talented actors and the rest are OK enough to be tolerable. One element that particularly stood out was the score. Somewhat somber and foreboding music is well placed throughout and honestly did create a little more atmosphere. If there's one thing I've learned when blindly purchasing Wild Eye Releasing's products - it's that the cover artwork is always far superior to the content... that appears to be their gimmick and well, it works. This was the third film I purchased hoping it might be a yet undiscovered independent gem and while it's probably the best of the lot, it's just another modern slasher that let me down with being just passable.

  • Blood Slaughter Massacre is an 80's style slasher classic!


    With the rise in popularity of the classic 80's style slasher films, Blood Slaughter Massacre is a winner! This film has all of the stereotypical things you expect to see; girls being slashed, a couple of creepy dudes, & the hero. The big difference here is, the film took a couple of twists & turns that we did not see coming. This is NOT the type of film that you watch the first five minutes and know who the killer is. The soundtrack was pure 80's & the filters used during filming gave the film that slightly hazy\cloudy look that we all love in an 80's style film. The folks at Mass Grave Pictures really did their homework. Blood Slaughter Massacre does not look like an 80's remake, but more like an original 80's movie! We Thank Mass Grave Pictures for opportunity to screen this film, as it was a joy to watch! Tim, member of the Haunt Review Crew

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