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American Hangman (2019)

American Hangman (2019)

Donald SutherlandVincent KartheiserOliver DennisPaul Braunstein
Wilson Coneybeare


American Hangman (2019) is a English movie. Wilson Coneybeare has directed this movie. Donald Sutherland,Vincent Kartheiser,Oliver Dennis,Paul Braunstein are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2019. American Hangman (2019) is considered one of the best Thriller movie in India and around the world.

An unidentified man posts a live feed on social media showing that he has kidnapped two strangers and intends to kill one before the day is out. His intention is to hold a capital "trial" online. As the authorities recognize what's happening, it becomes apparent that the online public is going to act as judge and jury.

American Hangman (2019) Reviews

  • Meh


    Not realistic. Someone is usually on death row 25 plus years before they're put to death. How old was this supposed guy who says he did it? And if he really was a sociopath he would be glad they got the wrong person. watchable but kind of ridiculous. Never find out anything or any back story on the main protagonist.

  • Rush to Judgement


    PLOT SPOILER. Judge Straight (Donald Sutherland) is abducted and held captive in a basement with a lot of cameras. His captour is holding a trial claiming the judge who presided over a high profile murder case, got the verdict wrong and put an innocent man to death. It doesn't take long to figure things out as this is supposed to be some kind of criticism of the American judicial system that was done very poorly. The film reminded me too much of "Harodim." It is slow and boring. The only real issue the film resolved is that Donald Sutherland is indeed still alive. Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.

  • An attempt to be more than superficial


    It's starts off exciting, but then it turns into a dragfest. It's just a combination of crime/thriller flicks with no original ending. A movie that seems like it has a story to tell, bu if you fall asleep halfway through you wouldn't miss anything.

  • Good film...


    I always see someone saying they've seen films like this before...I have not. It kept my attention all the way through, and the only reason I did not give it a 10 was because the direction, and editing had a B movie feel to it. All of the actors did well except for a few of the extras but again I think that was more direction, and camera work. They were trying to keep everything at a streaming level which really did not work well. Vincent Kartheiser, and Paul Braunstein did very well, Donald Sutherland. what can you say he's a pro. The writing was very good but the plot was right on the nose. I would watch again.

  • sutherland are still alive


    Well , this is a film that tells the story of how random life can be and what the consequences may be of living, and who are the best to judge that , you, me , the jury,the people or simply the isnt my strongest part ,and american law are far to complex to understand under these circumstances, coup d'etat or marshal laws and pure anarchi are some clues to this film donald sutherland has grown old for sure, but he still delivers, and makes this film very suspensfilled and keeps you on the edge of the chair almost till the end. its a new angle of involving social media as a max factor in the movie world, and passes through very well, though the truth-factor are questionable. to summarize,its yet another example of the power of going viral on social media. recomendable it is.

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